Wow this post got popular. I got called into work and didnt see the replies, sorry ladies and gentlemen! Trying to catch up tonight.

    10 months ago

    To save dogs, you would advocate killing the children of slaves? The lengths you'll go…

    …wtf are you talking about? I’m saying that if we follow your logic then that’d be what we’d have to do. I literally called it insane. Maybe reflect on it.

    Not this one

    That’s literally what this entire debate is about, whether selective breeding can actually affect a living thing psychologically enough to turn them into a killing machine. There is no argument more relevant here than nature vs nurture. Are you trolling?

    Shrugging and going "ah well" doesn't fix the problem

    You’re right, we need a solution. Maybe for more powerful dogs people would need to get a license. But if I had to guess lots of people aren’t immediately looking for solutions because they’re so busy trying to stop an entire breed of dog from being wrongfully put down.

    Do owners currently get jailed for their dogs actions? If not, they should. That may help deter people from getting “attack dogs”, at least a little.

      10 months ago

      Your logic was insane and misplaced. We weren't talking about descendants. It was a weird logical reach.

      This whole debate is about an 11 year old girl and 2 men that got mauled after she ran past a dog and got attacked. This debate is about safety and whether these dogs should be allowed as pets. You may want to shift the debate and move the goalposts, but no way is it justifiable.

      If the people defending the breed of dogs aren't going to bother coming up with solutions, their views won't be taken seriously. A young girl got attacked here. A 10 year old got killed 2 years ago. A middle aged lady a few months ago in the UK. Dog attacks in Britain have quadrupled and this breed of dog is the largest perpetrator. If you are advocating maintaining the status quo, you are advocating for more deaths.

      I agree they should be jailed and dog owners of many breeds should be licensed.