So this is a crazy idea I have had for a while now, and finally wrote down so I would remember it (at the correct time - aka not bedtime OR when getting dressed). I want to take some songs that I find the lyrics have had a large impact on me, and just kind of break them down and share my feelings on them and see if anyone agrees or has a different take, or someone just hears something for the 1st time which is also amazing. =)

Typical Situation by Dave Matthews Band

Ten fingers we have each Nine planets around the sun repeat Eight ball is the last if you triumphant be Seven oceans pummel the shores of the sea

So this verse starts out doing this fun thing of pointing on the math in everyday things (your fingers, etc.). I find this really fun as if there is one thing I do enjoy, it’s patterns/numbers.

It’s a typical situation In these typical times Too many choices

So this verse is all about how the world has given us all these choices, and how they can be overwhelming. How do you choose just one!! This really resonates with me, as I’m either suffering from choice paralysis, or I’m doing a thousand things at once. I feel like technology has been both a help, and made things way more complex and anxiety inducing in this respect. There was no movies on demand to watch all day/night, no social media to doom scroll instead of doing whatever you should be doing. Just the amount of choices for so many things these days is staggering to even try and wrap your head around.

Everybody’s happy Everybody’s free We’ll keep the big door open And everyone’ll come around Why are you different Why are you that way If you don’t step in line We’ll lock you away

Dave is now stating how society sees everyone as needing to conform, and “get in line” with social norms, which of course will allow these individuals to be happy and “free”. For those of us that do not conform to social norms, or do not understand the norms, or even the “rules” themselves, well society will just push you away (ignore you and your needs). I think this verse hits like a Mack truck! I know I constantly feel like I’m just on the very rim of being locked away because I either don’t get what is going on, or I just don’t understand why it’s necessary to “do the stupid holiday when it just makes everyone super stressed out and fight all day”. =)

Six senses keeping Five around a sense of self Four seasons turn on and turn off I can see three corners from this corner Two is a perfect number But one Everybody’s happy Everybody’s free We’ll keep the big door open And everyone’ll come around Why are you different Why are you that way If you don’t step in line We’ll lock you away

In this verse Dave is again back to the math in everything around us, and all the fun places it can be found. He then hits on this notion that again hits home for me in the lines “two is the perfect number, But one, Everybody’s happy, Everybody’s free”. I interpret this as saying, that having someone that you can love is like the greatest thing in the world, but being alone, that makes everyone happy to be free of societies wants and needs. You can just do your special interest and everything is wonderful. But, the problem is like the song coming back to the theme of conforming with society, we must all interact with society to some degree no matter what.

It’s a typical situation In these typical times We can’t do a thing about it

The last line here really sums it all up as, the world is full of endless situations and choices and it’s going to be VERY overwhelming sometimes, BUT there is nothing we can really do about it. I do think we can try and help each other, and be kind to others, and most importantly to ourselves.