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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I played the beta. I wouldnt call it a good game but it was a game that i enjoyed playing. Maybe i liked it because ever since i was a kid, i was always fascinated by mad max/waterworld. Having your own vehicle, roaming a hostile desert(or sea).

    You have a customizable ship, you can build it how you want. And you have a base that can be built and upgraded. And a giant open world with a forgetful story and generic npc. The gameplay was ok, though the world of warships has infinitely superior naval combat. I think it is using similar to war thunder naval combat(same publisher), which is a bit too arcadey for my taste(not that world of warships is a simulator, but it is a more immersive experience).

  • Turkey and Greece exchanged each other’s ethnicities post WWI and War for Turkish independence, ethnic cleansing but not necessarily genocidal.

    Yet for some reason there are 0 greeks in Turkey atm and 200k muslims in Greece, most of which selfidentify as ethnic turks. I wonder what happened, i guess we will never know. Oh wait, we do.


    Also weirdly enough, sanctioned by international mediation because shit was weird back then

    It’s not weird, greeks and turks have murdered shitload of each others civilians.

    After Greece’s “Great Idea” plan(conquering Western Turkey) got crashed, Greece wanted to protect the surviving greeks in Turkey from further reprisals. So both sides decided to partially exchange populations while protecting the remaining minorities. Eventually(30 years later) Turkey decided they didnt want any greeks left in Turkey and violated the deal. Greece on the other hand just kept being shitty to ethnic turks living in Greece but at least they are mostly ok now.

    Most greeks are aware of civilian turks getting murdered. I am not so sure turks are aware of the civilian greeks slaughtered. This “exchange” ended 3000+ year of continuous presence(with majority or almost majority percentages) of ethnic greeks in Anatolia(Western Turkey).

  • They are not genociding, they are just removing palestinians from areas, they are ethnic cleansing those areas. This is a pretty standard nation building tactic, except most, european, nations did it in the past, while Israel is doing it now. Azerbaijan did it too with their armenian enclave in Nagorno Karabakh. The armenians “voluntarily” left the region and now there are basically 0 armenians there.

    Genocide focuses more on the destruction of people.

  • I bought the game in 2013, refunded it in 2017. When i bought the game was because i wanted a spacesim and star citizen was basically my perfect game. I expected the game to be out by late 2016 or 2017, at least the singleplayer story.

    Even now, i am still hopeful. I refunded because at that point they didnt need my money and it was ridiculous how the game was still nowhere near release. Also the game run like shit and the fun factor was too low, it was too much of a simulator.

    I dont think it is a complete scam. It is obvious there has been an insane amount of effort gone into this game. Maybe part of the funds have been abused but they have been developing this game for over 10 years with 500+ devs and that is really expensive.

  • You can only play games that you already own on geforcenow, you dont get access to any "free" games. You can play steam games, origin, even some gamepass games(as long as you have a pc gamepass subscription). But again, the game selection is limited. It used to be unlimited but then the game publishers complained so now only approved games are available(1600 or so games).

    The xbox cloud gaming is shit in comparison. First of all, it runs on xbox consoles, so you need to use a controller, cant use mouse and keyboard. Secondly, the latency and overall tech is at least a generation behind geforcenow. Then again, you get what you pay for. Xbox cloud is an extra 5€, geforcenow can be 20€ a month. Geforcenow has convinced me that cloud gaming is the future, it's that good. Xbox cloud is "eh, ok, kinda cool that it kinda works". I am somewhat playing starfield on the xbox cloud and it aint terrible.

    I think i will buy cyberpunk and its expansion to play them on geforcenow. Honestly, if i could play all games on geforcenow, i dont think i would buy a new gpu. With cloud gaming, you not only not have to pay for the hardware, you also dont have to pay for the electricity, since you are only running a videostream on your end, which uses very little power and can be run on almost anything. Though when i tried gaming on my lg oled's browser, it wasnt great, lots of issues, though it technically worked. Maybe it was some bluetooth fuckiness.

  • Yeah, it was both. The european brands avoided electric cars for a long time, while the chinese pushed hard for them. And because electric motors and car batteries were a new technology, this was a great opportunity for the chinese to pull ahead(everyone started from 0).

    And the chinese also used their cooperations and acquisitions(Volvo and Lotus are owned by the chinese brand Geely), in order to improve the conventional car making part production(everything other than the electric engine and batteries). Tesla followed a similar arc. Their motors/batteries are great, the other parts started as bad but they are improving all the time.

  • I was travelling within EU(from EU country, to another EU country) and in the layover airport, i was forced to go through facial recognition/passport check. This has happened only once and i think it was in France(CDG) or maybe Germany. And if i werent an EU citizen, i would literally have to go through a manual passport check, with long lines.

    To be fair, i rarely go through CDG and i never have any issues with german layover airports(which i have used dozens of times), which is why i think it was CDG.