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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. […] That’s on me as an adult, a husband and a father.

    Jesus fucking christ. If you, as a father, are “leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate” with a minor, you’re a fucking pedophile. There is nothing to discuss that’s leaning into being inappropriate with a minor, except if you’re a pedophile. Trying to make it sound less of an issue just because there weren’t pictures sent, is a pathetic attempt of an excuse for being a pedophile.

    For being so real and no filter, there’s a fucking lot of sugarcoating for admitting the fact that he sexted with a minor.

    I specifically don’t get how you can do that as a father, and even being the complete asshole that he is, not even once thinking that the victim could be his own child. I really wonder what he would say about such a tweet in this case.

    Absolutely fucking disgusting.

  • Theoretisch sind diese pauschalen Klauseln unwirksam. Artikel von verbraucherzentrale.de

    Ich würde mit der Praxis sprechen, nochmals erklären das du den Termin ja nicht verschlafen hast, sondern aus in deinem Fall gesundheitlichen Gründen versäumt hast, dich dafür entschuldigen, und sagen das daher die Rechnung nicht bezahlst. Falls die Praxis darauf besteht, wären Krankenkasse, Verbraucherschutz oder Anwalt die nächsten Anlauf- bzw. Eskalationsstellen.

    Richtig und wichtig ist auf jeden Fall das nicht zu unterschreiben und auf jeden Fall zu widersprechen das der Termin geführt wurde oder das Leistung erbracht wurde. Falls du dazu auf welche Art auch immer genötigt wirst, kannst du das deiner Krankenkasse melden, die mögen das nämlich gar nicht das nicht erbrachte Leistungen in Rechnung gestellt werden.

    Hängt am Ende alles davon ab wie verbohrt die Praxis ist, und wie viel Ärger du dir antun möchtest.

  • "We listened to our accounting, and the massive wave of refunds and unbought mtx is hurting our numbers. PR isn’t happy about the reviews either. We’ll keep you updated on future plans for fucking you over!

    Do you really think that Sony will actually back down? They are calming down the shitstorm that is going over all media, socials and steam. They’ll reorganize and will move on with their plans. Arrowhead and Helldivers is just one of many assets.

  • If you use a dockerized environment, that will only work better on Linux. .NET8 is AFAIK natively supported on Linux, so there shouldn’t be too much of an issue apart from the usual clunkyness. Visual Studio will probably be more of a problem. The “easiest” way would probably be to switch to jet brains or vscode. If you are hardstuck on VS for whatever reasons, you probably should be able to do some voodoo with running it in docker and using the container as a remote desktop, but this will be PITA to setup and maintain.

  • I don’t think that the current tools will be using it internally, since this would require the tools actually supporting the CLI launcher, and in the best case we would have something like the proton config in steam in every tool separately again.

    I think that you will need to have your launcher installed, but you will have this new launcher as your entry point, from which you will start your games using proton from the linked project.

    But - it’s a PoC right now, maybe both ways will be possible.

    From a wishful perspective, it would be super neat if this new launcher would hook into the installed regular tools, and automagically make those use the preconfigured proton runtime it brings. Shouldn’t this be possible using LD_PRELOAD?

  • Right now it’s a PoC (proof of concept, a rough implementation of an idea), to emulate launching games from other stores as if they were launched from steam using proton.

    What this could be used for is to create a new Linux launcher, where you setup proton once, and launch all games using this launcher.

    This simplifies usage for you as the end user, since you would only need to install the launcher, and it sets up ProtonGE, and you’re done. It also enables simple Proton usage for other games (Epic, Lutris, whatever).

    Additionally it helps unifying development. Windows games under Linux have a lot of moving parts: there’s Proton as a compatibility layer. There’s integration between steam, proton and your system (sniper/vessel). There’s protonfixes which is game specific changes in proton. Each of which itself consists of components and stuff I’ve missed. In short, it’s complicated. Unifying all this components with one tool, with one battle tested installation and compatibility and with a single source of truth in development could be another big step in Linux gaming.

    TLDR - potentially a new launcher for games under the Linux, enabling any game to be played using proton, when supported, not only steam games.

  • Yeah, if globaltimes.cn says so. Managed by the CCPs renmin ribao, and the CCP obviously famous for both respecting human rights and being absolutely trustworthy when it comes to how great China is. But wait, there’s more, “Islamic figures” from UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt also claim so, also highly famous for their respect for human rights, and they’re Muslims too, so they must be right, since every Muslim is the same, and they all love and respect each other, never have there been any conflicts between specific Muslim groups. Right?

    What a fucking unhinged paragraph calling someone out when you’re taking a fucking CCP propaganda page as your source, of all things.