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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I agree there’s a problem, and I agree about supporting progressive candidates when available.

    I think this is being taken as the only option mostly because a lot of strong progressive voices sat out this primary.

    Fair enough, to your point about people on Lemmy planning to make mistakes in November. I suspect those people aren’t the same ones voting uncommitted in the primary, though.

    I mostly see those as motivated progressives trying to raise an alarm so Dems can course correct here. If Dems listened, they might give us more ammo to persuade those Lemmy users who aren’t on board.

  • whenigrowup356@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldcommitted to genocide
    4 months ago

    I’d say the idea of using the primary to voice concerns about what’s happening in Gaza is the least harmful path for people who really care about stopping fascism in both countries. Dems need to really hear that there is a problem that needs to be addressed, and voting uncommitted is literally the least you can do.

    Dems stand to lose a lot of votes if they continue to be silent for the “hug Bibi” policy.

    Also, sorry, but I don’t understand what alternative you’re suggesting for this course-correction. Can you clarify?

    For the record, my proposal is to hash this conversation out during the primaries and then go all-hands on deck for Dems in November. Because we have to.

  • “According to Air Canada, Moffatt never should have trusted the chatbot and the airline should not be liable for the chatbot’s misleading information because Air Canada essentially argued that “the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions,” a court order said.”

    Can you imagine the hellscape we’d be living in if precedent went the other way? Companies could just run every unsavory decision through some machine learning system and then wash their hands of it afterwards.

    “Oh you were illegally fired? Sorry, that decision came from the Overmind, not from us.”

  • I agree with you that the DNC, and lots of democrats, are often terrible at messaging.

    I’d quibble with your framing about some of these things not connecting with average voters, but I’d rather take a step back a bit.

    I guess my main idea is: If we care about the project of government being involved in people’s lives in a helpful way, we owe it to people who are less privileged than us to walk and also chew gum here. We, the people who have time and resources to research this stuff and debate instead of picking up a second job to make ends meet.

    Maybe you don’t have time for this shit. I don’t blame or judge you if that’s the case. I’m speaking to the terminally online people who have time to worry about this stuff.

    And when I say “walk and chew gum” I mean:

    1. Vote in the primary against shitty centrist dems when you can,

    2. Vote for them over their fascist opponent if they win the primary anyway.

    3. Have conversations about solutions that are simple and straightforwardly helpful to people’s lives to help broaden that Overton window. Including criticizing the DNC when they fail to offer those.

    4. Do the DNC’s job for them on communication about the helpful policies we do get. Because we have gotten some. Positive conversations about government programs that are currently being implemented are not happening enough.

    They do take time to implement, and they’re not enough, and on and on. I agree with the negative sentiment about it. [Edited out some unhelpful whining here] That said, there’s too much work to do for the problems with the DNC to be the whole conversation. If you don’t support fascism, we’re on the same side.