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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Those who say this are usually frustrated by the increasing number of misunderstandings/miscommunications due to increasing English illiteracy. Its become more difficult to communicate to those around you.

    It’s utterly unacceptable behaviour but I believe the issue lies deeper than simple “racism”. I also sometimes find it frustrating from the sheer volume of people that can’t speak English, from coworkers, customers, fellow students, etc. I don’t even live near the border, where the problem is much worse.

  • weeeeum@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHello lovelies!!!
    3 days ago

    I think it’s because of Americanized potato salad. The kind with miracle whip and tons of corn syrup. I’ve had mayo based salads like this and it makes me want to puke (as an American lol)

    I think this plays with the stereotype that weird eccentric middle aged people like weird/gross food. Sort of like jello salad coincidentally (search it up, it is foul).

  • weeeeum@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    4 days ago

    Yeah for that reason I feel like there hasn’t been a single game in the last 10 years worth 100% completing. It’s so easy to make a game excruciatingly long that everyone does it. So many stupid achievements that are just raw grind, “do something 1000 times”.

  • On India itself, its impressive that it’s the world’s largest democracy. Indians are well educated relative to similarly poor countries and have high English literacy, which is why many believe it could outpace China.

    I admire their charitibility. My local area has a large Indian population as I live near a large hindu temples in the US. There is always cheap, high quality food for those in need (1$ for a large plate of food). The kitchen is operated by volunteers and rely on donations and food banks. I Believe this is also common practice in many temples within India proper.

    There are plenty of unsavory things such as the caste system but overall harbor a lot of respect for the country and people.

  • I’ve done them with a straight razor and it all comes down to technique and sharp blades. Sharp blades are most likely to cut hair than skin on a flat surface. Make sure to either use a new blade or strop your SR

    Firstly cook your nuts, really steam your boys. You want them very warm and relaxed so you can gently pinch, stretch and wrap the loose skin around your finger. At that point it becomes much more accessible. I recommend doing this sitting. If using a straight razor use a steep, less aggressive angle.

    For weed wacking around a post, pull it tight and if its too slippery, use a single slip of toilet paper to hold on. Once everything is in tension you may tread carefully with your razor(s). You may need to pull it in many directions to reach every spot.

    That will get 50-70% of hair. For the rest I recommend squatting over a mirror. Again, make sure to pull everything in tension before hand and get everything very hot and steamy. Pubes are like spaghetti, they’re softer when cooked.

  • weeeeum@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldCustomer service
    15 days ago

    It’s certainly not normal but it’s frankly inevitable. All it takes is some fraying wire, failing insulation, manufacturing defect on the PCB or components and something slightly flammable nearby (usually the product itself). That and how much stuff people usually have plugged in, somebody is going to experience a fire eventually.

    Regulations on Chinese garbage are practically non existent. There are countless cheap chargers that will start fires. One nearly caused one in my home as a kid.

  • I’m personally baffled at how many are killed in automobile accidents. 44,000 Americans every year. American KIA numbers for the entirety of the global war on terror is around 5,000. That is roughly only one month’s worth of automobile deaths.

    Americans dead in Vietnam is around 58,000 over ten years. That’s only a year and a half worth of automobile deaths.

    Even in WW2, over 4 years, 416,000 americans lost their lives, around 104,000 per year. Even during the deadliest war in history, automobiles today still kill 44% as many year to year. Granted the war did not touch America as much relatively but are still mind boggling statistics.

    It feels as though learning to drive is merely fueling the cycle. More cars cause politicians to invest further in road infrastructure instead. More people giving up on public transportation further starves it of the funding it deserves and desperately needs.

  • Give him a very basic and cheap toolkit you know he already has. Firstly, he already has those tools and secondly he assumes you doubt his ability due to the cheapness of the tools. Like giving a Michelin chef a dollar store copper knife, they’d assume you think they can’t cook.

    Something like a 2 pack of a Phillips and flathead screwdriver. So common even non DIY people always have them, and so cheap that they are useless.

    Kind of hard to explain but hopefully that gets the pount across.