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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024

  • Probably easier to stick with “at the very least, freed them”.

    Pearl Harbor was the rallying cry that brought America together (mostly) to fight the Axis powers. Prior to that, isolationist (and Anti-Semitic) groups such as the America First Committee were growing in popularity. To say America was fighting for the Jews in WW2 may be technically correct based on who was responsible for the Holocaust, but it was more the byproduct of who America’s enemies were at the time, rather than being a primary motivator. Coming in as the savior to a population being persecuted is rarely the real reason wars are fought.

  • I actually find it hard to believe people don’t think Trudeau’s leadership has been a very significant problem for this country. It’s just laughable that anyone thinks Pierre is better.

    I keep having this conversation with people who hate Trudeau. I get them to list out their issues with him, and none are problems the Conservatives are looking to solve. But the anti-“woke” brainworm is just too strong. They will literally vote against their own interests to own the Libs. The Americanization of Canadian politics is already here.