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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Cisco as a client tried to force ipv6 for their managed service and after an entire quarter of attempting to resolve it, we actually disabled it for their virtual address per their request. IPv4 has issues and IPv6 promises solutions, but it’s not a stable platform yet. This appears ignorant but is based on truth. IPv6 is also eventually going to hit exhaustion with the frequency we spin up virtual machines, it’s okay to skip a bad generation.

  • It’s a play by monopolys. They create a large platform (often free to start), integrate it with a bunch of other stuff, then charge you to use it. They can use the invested cost to leverage anyone on the platform, because it’s often an expensive lengthy process to halt processes. The ruling is essentially stating that Microsoft either needs to allow non Microsoft accounts to chat on teams or allow you to remove your word subscription without affecting your email. Both of those are good things for consumers, but Microsoft wants to hold all of the cards on all sides, and start offering bundles like cable companies. All just to limit your options and squeeze you when they want more.

  • As the other user stated it’s for going to large events (corporate comicon). What they failed to mention is that it’s also considered a safety issue to some extent. It also labels you as a tourist and likely shows that you are carrying spending money. It’s relevant in medium sized cities, but larger ones the tourism is massive income and the locals know there will be consequences for acting out.

  • I got my license at 18 before I moved out, but my parents made the entire ordeal a nightmare. It was more anxiety than it was worth to get my required miles in with them as the instructor. People living in large cities often never get the opportunity, it’s high stress and taxis are readily available. Car ownership is expensive and public transportation is available, as well as biking. In uni I taught several Asian students how to drive because countries like Japan often have expensive training programs, and insurance is painful for testers. European cities are often designed for micro mobility and bikes and smart cars are preferred just because of size.

  • Unfortunately most large organizations are running on enterprise releases that only lay down minimal software. Plus IT depts have heavily maintained images that immediately shuts off anything that sneaks in. Help desk is just going to disable the feature before slapping the company background image and VPN on it and giving it to standard users. They will make a ton of money in the short term and EOL the operating system when it’s no longer profitable and Linux is the default (decades from now). AOL is still out there

  • thirteene@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlHow bad is Microsoft?
    19 days ago

    Microsoft has been building the O365 platform to lock out competitors and locking users into an ecosystem that is difficult to leave. They systematically eliminate competition and have pushed to create laws that make competition harder. In embrace extend extinguish, they are in phase 3, which is a massive red flag. They also started putting out spyware and malware into their software and have proven they can’t maintain security; making them a bad actor in a position of power. Scale is debatable, but Microsoft is undeniably evil in 2024.