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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Have you tried cgrp antagonists? I tried literally everything to the point where multiple neurologists said they couldn’t help me. I was using THC for a long time for my migraines but I was still suffering. With cgrp antagonists I feel 100% normal and it works every time, even if it takes longer if I take it too late.

    It’s worth trying a sample if you haven’t, because it’s a world of difference between being high with a migraine and just not having one anymore IMO

    Nurtec is approved for preventative now too

    CBD never did shit for migraines for me, only anxiety

  • One thing to keep in mind is that some people are anti religion due to experience. There are a lot of religions that ARE hurting someone by fly under the radar.

    For example, I always see people say Lutherans are chill. Look up LCMS, it’s a literal cult. I grew up in it. There is a lot of abuse prevalent in it, ie teaching you how to hit your kid “correctly”.

    But then people who speak up about it are labeled as “intolerant” or “edgelords” because “but everyone else told me Lutherans don’t hurt anybody!”

    And even beyond that, there can always be specific churches within religions or denominations that are seen as “okay” that are abusing their power to hurt others. I am not going to go out and attack religious people or anything, but I’m also not about to be neutral on the subject when I know it opens up a world of potential abuse.

    I am very against requiring religious tolerance, abuse victims require a place at the table.