• 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Main criteria would be our capacity to collaborate and to have somewhat convergent vision on the types of games we would like to make. Of course I would prefer experienced creators but I am fine with newbies who are into growing a lot and trying - I am basically such a person. Funding is bootstrapping for a long time, in practice this means that everyone has to find their own way to subsist given that actual running of this coop won’t be expensive for a very long time but I am very open to avenues your proposed. I haven’t done much research on legalistic side of this coop endeavor except noting that Igalia managed to create remote flat worker coop with over 100 employees with employees living in many various states so they managed to hop through various legal hurdles, which proves that such a remote coop is possible. I’ll be honest - my approach it to try and solve problems on the go to try to accomplish the previously determined goal. I don’t treat problems as exceptions but as a fact of life.

  • Anark mostly argues that caring about electoralism for structural reasons is waste of time if you want to improve the situation. I do agree with very slight “voting as a harm reduction” argument but it’s very easy to go in the direction of actually caring to much about electoralism as a vehicle of a social change, which historically and structurally is indeed wrong. Direct organizing in the real world is what makes meaningful change in the world.

  • No zagrożeniem walki w systemie jest zostanie reformistą i utrata radykalności, z drugiej strony wywalczenie ustępstw od państwa daje ludziom argument że się da. Tylko wtedy trzeba sądze trochę się wpierdolić z tym anarchizmem i walnąć trochę teorii nawet jak nie kliknie. Samo pomaganie ludziom przetrwać robi z ciebie takie charity+ a nie o to w tym chodzi. Zaś autonomiczne tendencje mają ciągle problem, że za mało ludzi chce robić anarchizm, one też mogą być wykorzystane do propagandyzacji, tutaj akurat ryzykujesz nadmierne zamknięcie się w swoim projekcie i nie wychodzenie z nim na zewnątrz. Nikt nie mówił, że walka bedzie łatwa, ale bez walki szans na zwycięstwo nie ma.