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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • You should really read up on how they operate.

    Here’s just one hypothetical based off available reporting, court cases, and leaked documents:

    Artist A has a history of performing at independent Portland venues but also tours the country and therefore has to use LN venues and TM services.

    When LN opens their Portland location, Artist A will have to either start using the LN venue, or find that the rest of their tour has suddenly run into financial issues with LN pricing and rebate schemes.

    So Artist A switches to Portland LN venue, and magically those issues start to go away.

    And that’s just the artist side, LN pulls variations of this monopoly abuse with local venues who refuse to Ticket Master, or sign with LN.

    I’m not even doing their criminal behavior justice and the real examples are significantly worse then what I quickly typed out. This will only harm artists, local venues, and Portland, if allowed.

  • If you’re Boeing, or even just a rogue Boeing executive/team, the best way to make sure you fail at this would be to leave an obvious trail of bodies.

    These ambiguous deaths are plausibly unrelated enough to justify no one looking too closely, but are clear enough for their intended audience.

    Hell, even if Boeing just got insanely “lucky” and these two deaths are as they appear, it’s still going to have a massive chilling effect on anyone else who might have been considering coming forward.

  • It’s the chain of events that could be suspicious, or totally random.

    A person has trouble breathing, which could have been induced, or just bad luck, then goes to hospital and dies of MRSA - which also could have been induced, or just bad luck.

    The most logical explanation is that bad things happen to people all the time and it’s usually not murder.

    However, because of the widespread press coverage of the previous “suicide”, it makes sense that if additional whistleblowers were being killed, that the methods would grow increasingly complex and obfuscated.

    Remember, these were all long time employees. Boeing is going to have all sorts of information on them, including their medical history and that’s not even factoring in the resources they have available.

    It’s not hard to imagine that they would know how to create a situation where a person gets hospitalized, without causing suspicion, and have the resources to finish them off inside that hospital with something like a rapid MRSA infection.

    Or maybe all this means is that corporations really are people and Boeing is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Now, God is an enacting revenge on the people who have testified against his favorite son, and our Savior: Jesus Boeing Christ.

  • You probably shouldn’t make these ambiguous comments with your brand new alt/Smurf/shill account.

    Without a post history I can’t tell if you’re recommending McKinsey in good faith, which would be hilarious btw.

    Or if you’re trying to make a sarcastic recommendation because you think McKinsey would have some adverse affect on the efficacy, or posture, of the US DOD. Which would also be funny, as it would imply that you made that joke while being unaware that McKinsey already does quite a lot work within the US MIC.

    Anyways, while I found you use of a brand new account to leave that specific comment amusing…still, fuck McKinsey and anyone who’s ever worked for them cough Mayor Pete.