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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • My old group had the opposite problem sometimes. In one campaign, we ended up with an NPC perma-drunk street urchin who was too obnoxious for his own good, and just kinda tagged along with the actual party because it meant he could get a free meal as long as they tolerated him. He was meant to give the characters some hints for the campaign and then get chased off or locked up or otherwise removed, but the party basically instantly adopted him, tried to teach him some manners, got him out of trouble whenever he did some Really Dumb Shit™ like groping a city guard or telling a priestess to go f- herself or barfing on the druid’s familliar. I think our DM was a little frustrated for a while that the one-off character he pulled out of his ass just to deliver a message ended up becoming a full-time job for him to play, despite his efforts to get the character killed or left behind.

    Fast forward a couple of (in-game) years and what was once an annoying little shit is now an resposnible adult running his own tavern, in which our party frequently resides. All is well that ends well, I guess ;)

    (still, that DM never again brought orphans into the play, just in case.)

  • They disappeared after the Calamity was defeated,

    … except, conveniently, for the Guardian parts used in the Skyview Towers (the “arms” that grab Link, the control units, etc.), or the dead Guardian atop the Hateno Tech Lab, or the Guardian “daggers” that were formerly turned into Ancient Arrows (which Link can DIY now), or the Purah Pad which is basically a rebranded Sheikah Slate, or the telescope atop Purah’s little lab at Lookout Landing …

    Oh and of course the after-credits scene in BotW, where Zelda states that she wants to go investigate Vah Ruta to find out why the Divine Beast stopped working and check whether it can be repaired. The “Calamity” was dead by then as the scene takes place days or even weeks after the final battle, but I guess noone had told the Divine Beasts yet that they were meant to inexplicably go poof along with the main antagonist.

    IMHO it would have made a lot more sense to say that the people of Hyrule actively dismantled and destroyed most Sheikah Tech they could find so it would be impossible for Ganon to possess them again. That would explain why there is still some of it left in remote corners of the Kingdom, and it is a more down-to-earth explanation than “it just vanished”.

    All in all, it really DOES sound like a lazy “I don’t care” explanation.

  • We have a house rule about this: The real world of course has priority, so if something happens that is out of your control, it is not the end of the world if a session gets cancelled… but if it happens regularily or without a good excuse, then the character gets temporarily removed from the party with a matching in-game excuse so that the people who DID show up can play in peace.

    So the party just defeated a big enemy and the next session they wanted to plan their next steps, but the player of the warrior didn’t show up for the third time…? His character is unconscious now while the others talk. Hit to the head during the fight, 5 hours or so knocked out, and the player and character alike can catch up with the rest the next time the player is present. Or maybe the guy had to escort injured villagers to the next healer and heads back to the party a few days later after completing his own little mission “offscreen”. Or he ate something bad and spent a week locked up in the outhouse, whatever. There is always some way to send the missing guy’s character away for a while so the rest of the party doesn’t go empty-handed for the umptheenth time in a row.