An avatar roaming the decentralised and federated 3-D virtual worlds based on OpenSimulator, a free and open-source server-side re-implementation of Second Life. Mostly talking about OpenSim, sometimes about other virtual worlds, occasionally about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon. No, the Fediverse is not only Mastodon.

Even if you see me on Mastodon, I’m not on Mastodon myself. I’m on Hubzilla which is neither a Mastodon instance nor a Mastodon fork. In fact, it’s older and much more powerful than Mastodon. And it has always been connected to Mastodon.

I regularly write posts with way more than 500 characters. If that disturbs you, block me now, but don’t complain. I’m not on Mastodon, I don’t have a character limit here.

I rather give too many content warnings than too few. But I have absolutely no means of blanking out pictures for Mastodon users.

I always describe my images, no matter how long it takes. My posts with image descriptions tend to be my longest. Don’t go looking for my image descriptions in the alt-text; they’re always in the post text which is always hidden behind a content warning due to being over 500 characters long.

If you follow me, and I “follow” you back, I don’t actually follow you and receive your posts. Unless you’ve got something to say that’s interesting to me within the scope of this channel, or I know you from OpenSim, I block your posts. I only “follow” you back because Hubzilla requires me to do that to allow you to follow me. But I can read your comments and direct messages. If you boost a lot of uninteresting stuff, I’ll block you boosts.

My “birthday” isn’t my actual birthday but my rezday. My first avatar has been around since that day.

If you happen to know German, maybe my “homepage” is something for you, a blog which, much like this channel, is about OpenSim and generally virtual worlds.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #VirtualWorlds #Metaverse #SocialVR #fedi22

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • @ChasMusic (he/him) In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m not even on Mastodon. I’m on #Hubzilla which totally isn’t a Mastodon instance. It’s a fully separate project which, four years before Mastodon came out, was derived from #Friendica which, in turn, is six years older than Mastodon.

    I’ve got two options.

    Option 1:

    • Write the post I’m intended to write. Alt-text in the picture will be that the first comment will contain the actual image description.

    • Immediately create a comment on that post and paste in the image description.

    • Let people enjoy having the full image descriptions readily available in their Mastodon mobile apps without requiring a browser, but prepare for complaints about either the description being too long or some modified Mastodon instance chopping it up into over a dozen posts, each under 500 characters.

    Option 2:

    • Create an article (I’m still within the confines of this very Hubzilla channel, by the way; this is not a separate project, Hubzilla itself is that powerful) which contains either only the image description, better yet, or the image (with “description below” as the alt-text, just to be on the safe side) and the description below.

    • Write the post. Include only one image. Also include a link to the article written above which says that this link leads to the description of the image.

    • Hope for there not being any complaints about the image description being somewhere entirely else.

  • @ChasMusic (he/him) I could do an #AltText blog post, and I wouldn’t even need anything beyond Hubzilla for it.

    However, I couldn’t link to it below the image. That is, I could, at least here on #Hubzilla and for users of several other projects. But for the huge majority of #Mastodon users, the link would be entirely elsewhere because Mastodon can’t display anything below images, save for other images that actually belong further up the same post. So this method is out of question for any posts with more than one picture because I can’t draw connections between links in and pictures below the text that Mastodon users could see.

    And besides, I’ve got the feeling that many Mastodon users avoid links like the plague. They’re using mobile phones, they practically never use the Web browsers on those things, and the Web browser popping up is an utter nuisance to them.

    Last but not least, I’m pretty sure that many Mastodon users are opposed to the idea of having the description of an image in a wholly different place that even requires a different app to view, rather than having it readily and neatly available right before them in their Mastodon app.

  • Mastodon generally has a problem with

    • everything with more than four pictures in one post (because Mastodon has to convert pictures in a post to file attachments, and it can only attach four files to one post)

    • actually, everything with more than one picture in one post (because the order of the pictures may be reversed, depending on where the post comes from)

    • everything which relies on pictures embedded in the text in specific places (because those pictures converted to file attachments are attached below the post)

    Technically, you may be able to view them. But chances are big that Mastodon will mangle them server-side, independently from which app you use on your phone.