Can’t catch a break

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • It’s all in the texture for me. The denser, somewhat chewy bagel is really nice and holds up to cream cheese a lot better than sandwich bread. They are amazing open face with cream cheese. Some folks like them with butter. It’s fine, but I do love cream cheese far more. I’ve had bagel sandwiches, which can be really good, but I do find them to be really heavy. (Plain or blueberry bagel, with cream cheese and sliced ham is my go-to for a bagel sandwich.)

    You can get all sorts of flavors of bagels, like cinnamon, blueberry, and onion. You can get schmear (cream cheese spread) with many different varieties of mixins too, like herbs, fish, and lemon! I think my favorite combo is an onion bagel with garlic herb schmear.

    That being said, I do love a good sandwich too.

  • I prefer to have some ingredients that are more flexible over having a specialized product that only makes few things or just one thing.

    I do like to bake and I cook a fair amount, so ingredients like flour, baking soda, baking powder, and sugar go far in my household.

    Sometimes my family needs to go on special diets and having more control over what goes into my food helps a lot. (That low FODMAP diet was a bitch.)

    But that’s just my situation. These types of mixes save a lot of time and effort. Can’t really knock that.

  • I didn’t realize I was ND for the longest time, until my doctor brought it up.

    I dated quite a few ND folks of different flavors. Some of them I thought were NT but later got a diagnosis.

    I am friends with NT people, but I just tend to gravitate towards ND romantically. I don’t even think I consciously do it. It’s a lot easier to be myself around folks that just “get it” I suppose.

    My current partner (ND) and I can play off of each other’s strengths. Our shortcomings are not symmetrical at all so we can manage quite well. An example is that I am very organized. I can make sure nothing falls through the cracks. My partner is quite disorganized, but is really good at focusing on tiny minute details of her current task and pulling together something amazing.

    I do like hearing from my NT friends and we do sometimes discuss things like current events and things that have happened around us. We like discussing the things that we got and the things we missed. But romantically? I’m not sure if that is for me. Special interests? Missed cues? Weird things I’m particular about? My NT friends can handle that in small doses from me, but I’m not sure they could handle it full time.

  • The culture I grew up with valued this type of thing.

    Why did you miss work? A cold? If you’re not in the hospital and you’re not here, you are a slacker.

    It doesn’t help when you don’t have any more paid sick time and you need to keep paying the rent.

    It’s so infuriating that it feels like life is structured in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to recover from these types of things without exposing people to your own sickness.

    No excuses for people that are sick don’t stay home when they have the opportunity though.

    ETA: masking does definitely help though and I’m glad the culture doesn’t find it as unusual as before