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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Probably because thentisk of cognitive ability decline over a 4 year period increases significantly. Even if either were at their peak now, there is a higher risk of cognitive decline. Biden already shows signs of decline, so will likely worsen significantly. Trump likely has severe mental health issues and was never in peak health since entering politics.

    Pressure should be placed in Biden to stand down. Trump too, but he won’t respond to calls to do the right thing. Biden might. Biden whole reason to stand was to not have Trump. Well, he’s causing it to be more likely Trump. He should state that both of them are too old and mental faculties are not there and stand down.

    If he does not, everyone we sensible should still vote Biden in. Trump is dangerous and unhinged.

  • I don’t use pocket any more but I tried it out. I think the benefit was that you had the sync of articles to read between all devices with pocket.

    Personally, I use a browser for specific sites or searches. I use apps like Lemmy (connect) for content discovery pocket is a bridge between the two. It also allowed sharing between peopke. So rather than sharing a link by email or WhatsApp, I’d just add it to their pocket.

  • A lot of stuff marked as recyclable is technically recyclable but cost prohibitive to do so. I don’t know what type of plastic these cups are, but when they claim recyclable, it should specify percent actually being recycled.

    I’m liking aldi at the moment. They list all the separate parts of packaging for me and how it can be disposed. I hope its just a step to moving more to biodegradable rather than recyclable.

  • It doesn’t affect both candidates equally. Trumoncourts the vindictive and racist vote. They don’t have a problem with genocide.

    They are not saying I won’t vote for trump. They are saying o will not vote for Biden. Biden is losing support over the issue. Trump is not.

    When you provide misinformation and false equivalence, you undermine your argument, similar to an agitator.

    Biden is not a good candidate, nor was he in 2020. He’s objectively worse now, bit so is Trump, his competition. The time to protest was during primaries and find a different candidate. Some did. It didn’t work unfortunately. Now he should get full voter support. Anyone who claims to care about genocide should care about human rights in general.

    Boycotting a vote to allow an objectively worse candidate in is, just like Biden, tacit acceptance for crimes they themselves did not commit. If you hold Biden responsible for the actions of Israel, then by the same logic, those who choose not to vote Biden can and should be held responsible for Trunks actions.