I’m so tired.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Useful context: this is a followup to this post:

    The thing about being active in the hacker house scene is you are accidentally signing up for a career as a shadow politician in the Silicon Valley startup scene. This process is insidious because you’re initially just signing up for a place to live and a nice community. But given the financial and social entanglement of startup networks, you are effectively signing yourself up for a job that is way more than meets the eye, and can be horribly distracting if you are not prepared for it. If you play your cards well, you can have an absurd amount of influence in fundraising and being privy to insider industry information. If you play your cards poorly, you will be blacklisted from the Valley. There is no safety net here. If I had known what I was getting myself into in my early twenties, I wouldn’t have signed up for it. But at the time, I had no idea. I just wanted to meet other AI researchers.

    I’ve mind-merged with many of the top and rising players in the Valley. I’ve met some of the most interesting and brilliant people in the world who were playing at levels leagues beyond me. I leveled up my conception of what is possible.

    But the dark side is dark. The hacker house scene disproportionately benefits men compared to women. Think of frat houses without Title IX or HR departments. Your peer group is your HR department. I cannot say that everyone I have met has been good or kind.

    Socially, you are in the wild west. When I joined a more structured accelerator later, I was shocked by the amount of order and structure there was in comparison.

  • In 2015 Debian officially dropped the requirement that packages support sysvinit scripts and only required systemd support. Devuan is indeed intended to be a fork that only removes systemd and maintains support for other inits like sysvinit, openrc, runit, etc.

    Last time I looked (and it has been a while) the anti-systemd origin story had attracted a few nutters, but I didn’t see anything suspicious about the dev team itself…

    EDIT: I see a couple connections to cryptocoin crap, but no smoking gun yet. Still digging.

    EDIT2: wtf am I looking at: https://dyne.org/software/dynebolic/ strange vibes all over this.

    EDIT3: Seems like the cryptocoiner, Set Hallström AKA Setto Sakrecoer, is the main dev/organizer of devuan? The structure of devuan and dyne.org does not seem to be set out, instead it’s an informal “do-ocracy” with a whole mess of normal and weird projects in a loose constellation.