• 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • People would do well to remember just how much Ronnie Raygun ruined this country and set us on the path to the loser that is donnie.

    Long before this article came out I was thinking about far the GOP has come between Ronald Reagan’s time and the sheer decadence and depravity of today’s GOP. Then I realized that the seeds of today’s GOP corruption went all the way back to Reagan. I remember Reagan defending Chief Justice Renquest’s daughter from a corruption scandal at the very opening of an otherwise legitimate nationwide TV address about a crisis. Reagan himself had appointed William Renquest to be Chief Justice. Janet Renquest later went on to have a bunch of other scandals.

  • Perhaps the dems should ask themselves why mandatory purchasing of insurance was the pinnacle of their accomplishment in the last 40 years and attempt to examine that.

    It was not. Getting health insurance for an additional 30 million Americans was.

    But sure fully embracing racial taxonomy and spending as much time as possible classifying people based on skin-tone, facial features, phenotypes, skull shape and literally anything besides class might work too.

    Nope. That is just some idiot media pundit nonsense. Not so be taken seriously.