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Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Yes, even for them, the information they can get through a phone is lifesaving. They can learn how to build water supply and sanitation systems and shelter. They can learn how to farm and forage for food. They can find the best way to cross international borders and become a refugee. And so on, they can improve every aspect of their lives. Information is power, and with a smartphone they have access to the entire world, rather than just word of mouth knowledge in their local community.

    Obviously, places without any form of electricity are screwed, but satellite internet is rapidly becoming cheaper and more accessible so soon they won’t even need cell coverage.

  • Towards the end of the video he addresses the point that the optimum speed of cars is around 60(or I thought it was 70).

    This argument doesn’t apply here because that figure is for a car traveling at a constant speed on a straight, flat road with no wind. E.g. a freeway/motorway. In a city, a significant amount of the energy is used to speed up and slow down at intersections.

    Remember the kinetic energy formula, Ek=1/2 mv^2 . That tells you that accelerating a car to twice the speed takes 4 times the energy, or in other words it takes 4 times as much fuel to get to 60 as it does to get to 30.

    This extra energy to get up to speed is going to far outweigh any benefit from less rolling resistance at 60 compared to 30.

  • I can speak as someone who thought they couldn’t do parties. Parties are incredibly intense, and can be the best or worst experience of your life depending on the smallest details. Eventually you will learn how to party best for you, what substances to take, what to wear, where to stand and what to do, which parties are just not going to work for you. Keep trying new things, but also if you’re not feeling it, take some time out or just leave.

    I think the older you get, the more you realize that everyone has imposter syndrome and anxiety all the time, but you just have to fake it until you make it. If you pretend everything is fine, it usually turns out fine.

  • By the way, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter does not weigh 14.79 grams. 1 US tablespoon is a unit of volume that’s equal to 14.79 milliliters(mils). Grams are a unit of mass. In order to convert between them we need the density. Because the metric system is great, the density of water is 1g/mil, so 1 US tablespoon of water weighs exactly 14.79 mils. However the density of peanut butter is a bit higher, so the US tablespoon of peanut butter will weigh a bit more.

    Additional pedantry, yes I did have to write US tablespoon every time. A US tablespoon is 14.79mils, a metric tablespoon is 15mils, a traditional Australian tablespoon was 20mils although now they mostly use metric tablespoons.

  • I’ve done it, it’s a pretty ordinary track and not dangerous if you have some common sense. The top part by the pylon(near to OP’s picture) might be the best view I’ve ever seen! Take the steep part slowly and carefully especially if it’s wet, don’t go on a steep snow slope if you don’t have crampons and ice axe, take enough warm clothes and waterproofs for the alpine environment, take a map. It’s just because it’s so accessible, and people think that it’s going to be the same as the well built tourist roads like the West Matukituki and Rees-Dart.

    And watch out for the kea, they will stop at nothing to steal and destroy all your stuff.