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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Rust Cohle sees you and has a vision about the vast emptiness of space, where he realizes that life has no meaning and time just repeats endlessly in an inescapable loop. He numbs himself every night trying to forget you, but he can’t escape the gravity of your memory. He’s pulled under the darkness, like a crashing ocean wave, and he’s drowning, over and over, in the inky blackness. He realizes you’re trans five years later, after everything he loves is dead, because he’s the only one who can.

  • Would you use the term “bitch” when talking about dogs? Or just say female dog to avoid being misunderstood? It used to be used that way, but now you’re going to sound like an asshole if you use it.

    Once people start using a technical term as a slur, it gets tainted by that additional meaning. You can’t forcefully separate the technical term from the slur. If you don’t want people to think you’re throwing around slurs, you need to find a new word to use.

    Don’t blame the people hurt by the slurs, blame the assholes who misused the word so often that they fucked up its meaning.

  • I’m certainly not arguing that the US’s behavior in this case is good, I’m just not seeing the connection to fascism.

    Authoritarianism is about a government’s relationship to its own citizens, not its posture towards foreign governments. An authoritarian country can be completely isolationist, like North Korea, or warlike and expansionist like nazi Germany.

    For fascism a hallmark is government capture of business within the country. It can take the form of cooperation like the US’s relationship with BP, but ultimately this kind of cooperation is about fulfilling the totalitarian regime’s goals, not the businesses.

    Primary to fascism is NATIONALISM, like your second quote states. Arguably the US is well down the road to fascism, we have a cult of personality building around Trump, focused on making the US “great again”, demonizing and othering his opposition within the country. If he were to seize power I’d argue we’re there. I just don’t think our colonialist mindset towards other countries is a symptom or indication of fascism. It’s just yet another way we’re a garbage country.

  • Maybe? Found this in an NPR article:

    The six-week ban will allow exceptions for rape, incest and human trafficking up until 15 weeks of pregnancy. It also includes exceptions for fatal fetal abnormalities. And like the current 15-week ban, it will allow abortion in order to save the life of the pregnant person.

    So you’d just need to find a doctor willing to say she’d die without it. In practice these kinds of exceptions put doctors at risk, so they may be more unwilling to perform abortions in “borderline” cases. They might have opted for some other treatments until your wife got “bad enough” to justify the d&c.

    I’m really sorry for your loss, I’m glad the doctors were able to treat your wife promptly and she didn’t have to suffer through the pain and delay many women in Florida will have to endure in the coming years.

  • Terry Pratchett is great and all, but don’t you have any interest in learning new things? The Jungle is essentially journalism, it exposed real shit that was happening in our own country… and being fed to us. It changed minds. It basically led to the creation of the food and drug administration. It saved lives. That’s a powerful work of art. Revulsion is the intended response. It’s kind of a horror novel.

    The other books you listed…. How about wonder? Hope? Fear? Fascination? Dread? Excitement? At least they make you feel something. Boredom is what kills love for reading in my experience. None of the books you listed are boring.