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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • Because beginners have no idea about OS architecture concepts. If they are a true beginner coming from Windows or MacOS they may not understand things like the Linux boot process. Of course they can read the Arch install procedure which I’ve heard is excellent, but many people are easily intimidated by documentation and often view computers as a tool that should just work out of the box without them needing to understand it. Mint is an attempt at making that happen. Obviously, once you start to modify your Mint install alot you are going to run into issues, and a highly modified or customized system is where distros like Arch and Tumbleweed actually become easier to maintain. I’d argue Mint is a natural first step to the Linux pipeline. People who only need a web browser will probably stop there, while others will continue to explore distros that better fit their needs.

  • Right… does it even make sense that installing all recommended packages is the default zypper behavior? Lyx for example will install a 2GB Tex distribution by default, which will conflict with any existing Tex install. Why on earth is that the default… If you are installing Lyx, you very likely at least understand that you need to choose a Tex distribution.

  • TL;DR It uses the Matrix protocol to make every post E2E encrypted in the same way a Matrix chat is. Except they added more separation between people in the “Circles” functionality. Instead of everyone seeing all content like in a chat room, you have to invite people to follow your timeline. And only those people who have been invited can see your posts, and vice versa. I’m not sure he said it specifically, but it was implied that unless people have invited each other to see their posts, they can’t interact with each other in the same circles (he used an example of two people not liking each other and both being able to see a 3rd person’s timeline, but not each others timeline/posts). So essentially it offers encryption and social media like usage but with a sane privacy stance…aka nobody can find you via stalking your mutuals and nobody can just google and DM you out of the blue. Basic photo and sharing is available, apparently improving those features is what is planned for this year. You can also self host it if you wanted, as it just runs off a Matrix server (although they currently provide a US and Europe matrix server run by the FUTO company that funds the app development). Looks like they plan on charging for storage space (1.99$/month for 10GB is what it says in the app right now), and I’m not sure how much storage you get for free.