• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Nobody needs it, but some people like it.

    Last year Windows added a pride icon to the taskbar of some Windows 11 users, and people in the Linux community were having a laugh over the angry reactions, but some Linux-enjoyers mentioned that they’d actually like the option of adding a pride icon. I wrote a simple python script and shared it.

    Over the past year multiple people have said they liked the little icon in my system tray, so this year I decided to spruce up the project and make it compatible with Windows. It’s just a silly little aesthetic option for anyone who wants it.

  • I am pro term limits, but you’re kinda making a good counter point. Eight more years of Obama instead of Trump and Biden… Doesn’t seem that bad. The conservatives went ballistic anyway, at least we’d have reproductive rights and better healthcare. I’m certain Obama would have been a lot better at managing COVID and the BLM protests. He was pro ceasefire in Gaza way before Biden too. Idk, for all his flaws, Obama seems better than what we got in his place.

  • It’s not just another cost of doing business though, it’s specifically a cost of not doing business.

    So imagine someone has been buying up homes to rent them. Market rate for rent is $1000 and they own 1000 units (just to make the math easy). That means they would profit $1 million every month with every unit filled, and lose $1 million every month for leaving every unit empty.

    Now imagine they have half the units filled, so they are getting $0 each month. They could try and raise the rent over market rate to cover the cost, but that would make it harder to fill the empty units and encourage their tenants to leave. If they lower the rent a bit though, they could fill the empty units and erase the cost entirely. Now imagine every landlord is in this dilemma; it puts the pressure onto them to appeal to prospective tenants. They could even increase profit by housing people for free, just filling units with the homeless to reduce costs.

    If they don’t change behavior and just eat the cost, then that’s more money for the state to invest in housing programs.