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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • Weirdfish@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    2 days ago

    So the man has a stutter, and he’s old, what ever. All I can do is cast my single vote. Last time, I voted against Trump, and honestly, even after the debate, I’ll cast my vote this time for Biden.

    I’d much rather cast my vote for Hakeem Jeffries, or Shift, or Bernie, or a dozen other people who aren’t an option.

    Thing is, I’m going to cast my vote in Cook county IL, so it literally won’t matter. IL is going blue no matter what, and I feel like my participation is merely token.

    I wish I could do more, I want to scream at clouds about what is happening to the country, and it doesn’t matter.

    Saw a stat that says Trump is 65% to win, and want to physically grab people and shake them, but what would it matter?

    Had I walked into that debate blind, not knowing who those people are, what the “facts” and the facts are, I’d have thought, that Biden guy seems weak and befuddled, and boy that Trump is sure a confident leader. It made me feel sick.

    As I told my mother today, I don’t have kids, I live in the midwest, have a good job with a big stable company, truth is, even a second Trump term won’t effect me that much. I can just sit back, enjoy my 30 so years left, and watch the world burn, but damn it, I have empathy for others, and there are many, many people whose lives and livelihood are going to be seriously impacted, and that bothers me.

  • Thing is, I know she knows exactly what she is saying. The context is correct, she knows what the words mean, she just didn’t grow up around people who spoke that wide a vocabulary, and while working in blue collar trades, she was looked down on for all them fancy college words.

    She can swear with the best pipe fitters, well, because she was a union pipe fitter.

    Language is so fluid, people who get too hung up on syntax and not the substance really annoy me.

    When I was in the military, one of the smartest people I knew was from the bayou of Louisiana. To me, a yank, he sounded like a complete idiot, and in fact I often couldn’t understand him when we first met. Once I was able to look past his mode of speech, and actually listen to him, I realised what an ignorant fuck I was being.

  • Agreed, I started in electronics repair in the 90s, and began learning to code in 2004. 20 years and over a dozen languages later and I feel I am still learning to code.

    People say that programming jobs are going to go away because of LLMs, but I don’t see it, at least not any time soon.

    They have been trying to eliminate programmers in my primary language since before I started, and I still have steady work.

    The thought that a large number of people from non-tech backgrounds can just become proficient programmers in a reasonable amount of time is of course insane. I’ve known many very talented techs who burned out and gave up trying to learn to program.

    Something has to be done, and I don’t pretend for a moment I have any answers. I have traveled through many small towns all around the US, and the decline in the past 10 years or so is really depressing to see.

  • Somehow I had missed that Bannerlord has come to consoles, been waiting for this one a long time.

    Sequels often disappoint, but so far this one strikes a great balance between keeping what made the original fun, incorporating new ideas, and adding a ton of quality of life features that fix what made the original a bit frustrating.

    Obviously porting this kind of game to a controller is a huge task, and over all they did a good job. Some of the map and menu navigation is a bit clunky, but in almost every way it’s better than warband.

    Looking forward to never being able to finish this one either.

  • My cat was 16 or so years old and in good health, though pretty under weight, when we brought in a 6 week old kitten.

    Having been a loner all her life, she wasn’t so happy to have the kitten around, but left her be. My only concern was the kitten was so small she might kill her.

    By 18 months, the kitten was larger than my senior cat, but had been put in her place so many times they mostly left each other alone.

    Occasionally they’d scrap a bit, but that was just the kitten wanting to play and the old one hissing and swatting her away. Honestly, I think it gave her some needed excercise to be chased around a bit and stalked.

    I made sure they each had their own food, water, and litter box, and there never was any real issue.

    They both had their spots, the kitten up top of the cat tree, and the old lady in her bed. I think so long as they have enough room to get away from each other it will be fine. They never became friends, but they learned to live and let live well enough. It even reached the point they could both sit with me on the couch and not fight.

    Had to put the older cat down a few weeks ago, and as sad as that was, it was very nice to have the kitten at home so the house didn’t feel so empty.

  • I get it from my father. He was one of the smartest people I’ve ever known, but if you asked him anything, you better have a lot of free time cause it is going back to first principles.

    I know his reasoning was that he wanted me to learn how to understand and find the answer, not just be given it, and now I’m guilty of the same thing.

    I don’t do it at work, or at least I try not to, as they are paying me for the solution not a dissertation, but if friends or family ask for tech support, they are getting the whole explanation while I solve the problem.

    I guess another part of it is that like me, he really didn’t have anyone to talk tech to other than his family, and really just enjoyed the time being able to share things he was knowledgeable about.

  • I use three at the office, and two at home.

    In both setups the laptop is my keyboard and small screen, above it is a 34 inch 21/9 aspect ratio curved display. At the office I also have a standard monitor off to the side.

    The large screen is my primary work space, with various code editors, UI dev tools, web browser, reference docs, and terminal windows.

    The laptop screen has email, all my short cuts, and a virtual version of the UI I’m working on because it is also a touch screen.

    When I have the third screen I use it for teams, a few system monitoring tools, and youtube for music.

    I used dual side by side monitors for years, but found that having the split in the center meant I was always sitting with my neck turned, and this lead to a lot of pain and headaches. Having them top / bottom is a lot more comfortable and my large screen is high enough I now sit up straight.

    A curved screen at the right distance also means a lot less eye strain.

  • My landlord assured me I’d be able to rent this place for years.

    A few days ago he tells me he’s selling it, and that I need to move by June 1st, when my lease is until September.

    I could fight it, but for what? A few extra months? No point in that headache.

    I was hoping to rent a few years till I could buy it, as it is in my home town and near both work and family.

    With the crazy rent prices today I’m going to have to move over an hour further just to find a smaller place at similar price.