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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Czechia: To get a gun for self-defense, you need to get a permit, which includes mandatory training, tests and a psychological evaluation (which, from what I’ve heard, is not hard to get). You need to have a clean criminal record and they check your misdemeanors too (you may not be allowed to get a permit if you’ve had issues with public drunkenness for example). However, after that you can not only buy a gun but also are automatically allowed to concealed carry.

    There are several types of permits and getting a permit for sports or hunting is slightly easier. You need to be 21 years old to get a self-defense permit, you can get a hunting or sports permit when you’re 18 or in special situations (used under supervision) when you’re 15. The permits last 10 years, but you can lose them if you get a criminal record. The gun permit registry is managed by the state police, so it’s easy for them to check the validity of your license if they need to do so.

    Gun violence is very rare, so I’m happy with this and see no reason to change it. The people that I know who have a permit (it’s quite uncommon) are very responsible with it.

    There are restrictions on which weapons a civilian can buy. No automatic weapons for sure, but I think you can get some semi-automatic guns with a suppressor (cause I’ve heard a guy recommending one such gun with sub-sonic ammo for potential home-defense, stating “if I really have to use it, there’s no reason why my family should go deaf in the process”, heh).

  • Imo it’s the latter. It didn’t start that way, but in the last decade they gradually shifted to being simply inflammatory on purpose because that brings clicks, and on top of that they regularly did dumb shit like complain about sexualization and male gaze one week (often, though not always, legitimately, but mostly it was literally just complaining without any further insight, which I personally don’t care bout) and next week publish an article with photos of top male bulges in some sport that, apart from the gender being swapped, was literally worse than what they complained about with regards to sexualizing women.

    Personally I say good riddance, but I’m biased by a deep dislike for people who use identity politics to create divisive clickbait.

  • including Pizza; Frozen meals

    I have to wonder why that is or if it applies to everything in this category, because some frozen food is literally just normal food, only frozen. I recently bought and ate two cheap frozen pizzas and took a look through their ingredients to see what kind of crap I’m ingesting. One of the pizzas contained the same ingredients that a homemade pizza of a similar type would have, with only one exception, which was a tiny bit of citric acid. Harmless. The other contained added modified starch in the tomato sauce, and surprisingly a bit of dextrose in the dough and on the pieces of chicken meat. That is not great, but since it was listed in the last place and ingredients have to be sorted by the amount present in a descending order, I know that there was less dextrose than salt in the dough, which means the amount was quite small. Still, no preservatives, colorants or flavor enhancers.

    There is one difference - making a homemade pizza takes me about an hour because there’s a lot of prep involved, whereas this is done in 15 minutes, so I eat it more often. But I have no need to restrict caloric intake, so that’s not an issue for me either unless there is some other way in which this is unhealthy.

  • I switched from OneNote to Logseq. Its feature set is pretty much completely different, but in the end I realized it’s fine with me and resulted in my notes being more useful.

    The main downside that I see now is that it’s kind of slow - much faster than the Electron version of OneNote was last time I used it, but slower than old native OneNote app or Obsidian. Otherwise its main differences from Obsidian are that in Obsidian the basic building unit is a page, whereas in Logseq it’s a paragraph (and, usually, its sub-paragraphs - it’s an outliner), which Obsidian can only do with plug-ins and not as seamlessly, and that with Obsidian you pretty much need to use community plug-ins, whereas with Logseq a lot of the functionality is built-in.

    It’s open-source and uses markdown, not completely standard, but close enough for the files to be entirely usable if Logseq ever dies. Its community is smaller than with Obsidian, which is a downside, but it’s not exactly obscure either.

    Really probably the most important thing about Obsidian and Logseq is to read an article or watch a video about how automatic backlinking works. It’s especially useful for something like Zettelkasten, but it also works for more “normal” approaches as well as concepts like Getting Things Done.

    Both are OK tools and are similar in many ways, but they’re quite different from OneNote. Downside of both is that synchronization between devices sometimes creates issues unless you use their paid service.

  • Afaik Blender since 3.0 does not support OpenCL anymore and AMD rendering uses HIP instead. I have not found any information about dramatic performance differences, though CPU rendering does seem to be somewhat faster on Linux - but more like 10% faster and the amount of computation practically done on the CPU is not that big.

    Also this represents the biggest headache in Linux, lots of gamers insist they can only use Nvidia cards. Nvidia treats linux as an afterthought as best or deliberately sabotages things at worse.

    Personally I use NVidia because of CUDA, gaming is an afterthought. I wish CUDA just fucked off and we got some universal compute API instead, because that’s what would reduce the NVidia stranglehold on the market, perhaps OneAPI is going to catch on at some point, but at this moment those options are not practical.

  • the best example is Blender which works almost twice as fast on Linux

    People say this, but what exactly do you mean? I mostly model on windows because it’s my primary system (I use applications that simply don’t work well enough with wine), but mostly finish and render stuff on linux because of windows’ retarded automatic updates etc. that can just cancel rendering without asking. And the only difference I’ve seen is how fast Blender starts - I’d say that’s more than 2x as fast on linux, it’s a huge difference. But rendering is the same (NVidia GTX GPU) and other work inside blender also seems to be about the same.

  • My experience so far has been:

    • “default” reddit, like /r/popular etc. has been worse, because reddit started using some form of “the algorithm” which pretty aggressively pushes controversial subreddits with high engagement, and those tend to be dumb and toxic. Amitheasshole, twohottakes etc. are the most obvious ones.

    • customized, highly selective reddit with as much crap from the frontpage as possible unsubscribed from is not significantly worse than a year ago, but then again, it was already pretty bad a year ago. Since the API changes I’ve had 3 people block me to get the last word in an argument, for simply disagreeing with them, without me being an asshole. This is quite annoying in a small subreddit where such a person posts regularly, but it may have just been bad luck.

    • Lemmy… Well, 3 things that I probably dislike about reddit the most, not because they’re the worst things that happen there, but because they’re so damn prevalent, are overmoderation (heavy handed deletions of posts and comment trees, unnecessarily locking threads that are even mildly controversial, things like banning people for ever posting in a controversial community etc.), strong american partisanship where if people realize you don’t agree with them on everything with regards to society/politics/culture wars, they immediately assume you’re from the opposite american camp and that you must have bad intentions, and finally simply people not being very smart on average.

    Well, all three of those problems seem to be just as prevalent on large Lemmy instances, the first two even more in some places. And whereas on reddit many people understood that you’re probably not realistically going to be able to create an alternative subreddit to some huge default with hundreds of thousands of users, so the “go make your own subreddit” copout is not very practical, here “go make your own instance” seems to be one of the default reactions to any criticisms.

    That said, Tildes seems to be doing okay. It’s even smaller and it doesn’t really try to be a reddit alternative, but it’s considerably smarter and more sane on average than both Reddit and Lemmy.

  • In my experience from lurking around Lemmy, it seems that the big instances are largely populated by stereotypically "reddit-left" people, which includes finding a lot of things offensive (whether they're actually offended or not) and being relatively hostile to people who don't seem to share their worldview, seemingly considering it the default that everyone should know and accept. You can see it in this thread as well.

    Not being an American and being culturally outside of american partisanship, this has been quite the disappointment for me, but what can you do.

  • I'm posting here because yesterday evening I decided to open kbin after a month or so to check if it still kind of sucks, and it still does, so I'm not one shilling this place. But reddit has gotten much worse in the last 6 months. Dumber, less moderated usually in the bad way (because when it's already dumb, less moderation doesn't help), and the last major issue for me is that they started using their own version of "the algorithm" - an algorithm that pushes things you don't necessarily like for more engagement. The frontpage suddenly contains like twice as many controversial and ragebait subs. And some subs that used to get a ton of organic engagement are pushed down, for example posts at /r/polandball get about 5x - 10x fewer upvotes than before.

    I do not have a sane alternative for Reddit, but if you think it's just fine, your standards are low and/or you haven't been there very long.