• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Quality is a spectrum. Sure, Mercedes isn’t Rolls-Royce. Mercedes makes cars as their main business and turns a profit from that, Rolls-Royce is a company that makes aircraft engines and produces cars sometimes as publicity stunts (because a car built to the tolerances of an aircraft engine is, shockingly, going to be very precise and well-made).

    But Mercedes is definitely a higher quality of build than like. Fiat or Ford. To an average person, you buy something like Toyota if you want reliability and a long-lived vehicle, or Mercedes for a smoother drive full of tiny little expensive gadgets that will probably develop a fault after 3 years.

    (No idea why they’ve listed BMW here though lol, those things just love perpetually breaking down, because the systems they use to get that unique tactile feedback while driving that some people crave are absolute dogshit when it comes to life expectancy. They use a fucking chain for a timing belt instead of rubber. Don’t ever buy one unless your idea of luxury is constantly having to shell out on repairs and tow trucks. If you have to experience one, just like. Get one as a hire car so you don’t have to own the fucking thing.)

  • Almost correct, but frankly we’re not even funding the military. We just have a bunch of leeches at the top who take money away from public services, give fat bonuses to their friends using contracts and/or telling government institutions that they MUST buy from only approved suppliers (the approved supplier is owned by their friend and sells things that they bought from regular suppliers and marked up by 1000%).

    Also the bastards pulled us out of the EU at Putin’s request, so we effectively do not have a future anymore. We have no realistic avenue to pursue profitable international trading, our science and research sector is hemorrhaging and direly underfunded, and frankly, we are out of meaningly natural resources to sell (although I know damn well our current government would not use the money gained from selling resources to set up a sustainable national income for the future).

  • Yeah that checks out. I’m not even american but I’ve got to say every single American healthcare worker I’ve ever met on Discord is CONSTANTLY and incurably miserable because they work inhumane hours for so little money that they actually can’t afford rent anyways. I know someone that spent an entire month doing 10-hour shifts 6 days a week which made him unbelievably sick and exhausted, and by the end of it then his paycheck didn’t cover replacing his car’s spare tyre. I know someone else who was ordered to come in every single day in the two weeks after her mother died and on the day of the funeral or she would be fired immediately and without recourse, while her boss took his fifth vacation of the year. I know someone who spent seven years studying to be a nurse and their debts are so bad that I’ve had to talk them out of suicide twice because the job doesn’t pay SHIT.

    TLDR: Frankly I’m amazed America still has ANY healthcare workers based on the ones I’ve met. The situation isn’t great in a lot of places because medicine can be expensive, but good lord is it truly bad in America.