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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • As a piece of software, nothing. It’s an open source browser, and has an added bonus of having many privacy settings on by default. Not even firefox can say the same, it comes with telemetry, pocket and whatnot out of the box.

    But there are some fair criticisms about the company and its administration. For example, there was an incident years ago when you signed on a crypto exchange, it would swap the sign on link for their own referral link. They claimed this was an error and quickly patched it, but I don’t buy it.

    You’ll quickly notice that a lot of people on lemmy passionately hate brave. So expect a strong bias and, as a result, truths but overblown, half truths and misinformation. Don’t ignore what they say but double check them.

  • Hey there, I think there’s a bit more to consider in this topic. Firstly, it’s not just the U.S. holding the fort in places like Eastern Europe. European countries, along with other members of NATO, play a big role in their own defense and stability of the region. Don’t forget that there are nuclear powers in EU too.

    Also, the U.S. being involved overseas isn’t just a one-way street where America sacrifices for the sake of others. There are strategic benefits for the U.S., like securing trade routes, building diplomatic relationships, and even national security perks.

    And about socialism and isolationism being mixed up – they’re actually quite different. Socialism is more about how an economy is managed, not how a country deals with foreign policy. Many countries with socialist elements are pretty active globally.

    Regarding Europe and East Asia, calling them isolationist isn’t quite right. These regions are major players in international trade and politics. For instance, the EU is a huge economic bloc and actively participates in global affairs, and so does East Asia, with countries like Japan and South Korea being key international players.

  • I don’t have a habit of sharing identifiable information on the internet, but that goes doubly true here.

    While using another instance, the one with the bee theme, I deleted a comment that I made sometime sooner. Out of curiosity I checked that same thread from the other instances, and there was one where my comment was still showing up.

    Now, that comment wasn’t anything special. I said something wrong and found out later, so I deleted it.

    But what this means is that, if I share something I shouldn’t, I don’t trust that every instance will delete my comment.

  • 1 - YMMV, as I mentioned

    2- as a consequence, popular distros like Ubuntu and Fedora too. I expect other GUI's and therefore distros to follow

    3- Didn't mean to imply they don't, what I meant is that they have issues and will make users jump to other ships.

    4, 5 and 6, Lutris and later Steam itself when I was running out of ideas, and yes it does run on Linux as long you can figure out the correct proton/wine version or buy the game from Steam. Point here was that gaming on Linux can be convenient or very annoying, depending on the games you want to play. YMMV

  • YMMV

    If you have an old nvidia card, you're going to have issues with some games. BF4 for example, no matter what you do you will have lag and stutter

    There's wayland and lack of support for nvidia cards, and major distros and GUI's dropping x11 in favour of wayland (regardless of whose fault it is or if it's good or bad in grand scheme of things, whoever has an nvidia GPU is going to be forced to use other distros or windows)

    And then the whole proton and wine stuff… I just installed CoD 2 and had to fetch some commands in order for it to run, else it crashed after playing the first cut scene. And then there are other games, like Divinity dragon commander, that I couldn't figure how to get it to run. Tried several proton versions, none of them launched the game. My fault or ignorance? Perhaps, but on windows it would run first try.