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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • Apple Maps also straight up gives objectively better audio guidance (e.g. “move to the right lane to turn right at the next light” vs “turn right in 300 feet”).

    Additionally the “directions” portion of the screen has large font and is clearly visible compared to Google’s tiny font on a window the size of 10% of the screen to show you more ads. (Yes, the reason some business appear at all zoom levels while others only pop up at street level is ads)

    What a fall from grace. I remember when Apple Maps would direct people to drive through halfway built overpasses with 500 feet of open air at the end because it’s not built yet.

  • Chinese plants will make whatever the hell you need them to at your desired quality, as long as you meet the market price.

    There’s an incredible irony in Americans associating them with poor quality because the American capitalists ordering the goods decided to cheap out and cut corners lmao.

  • My favorite part of this debacle are the liberals and conservatives uniting (funny how often they’re doing that these days) to mourn the great senseless smearing of this priceless historical artifact.

    The historical artifact that has been completely refurbished, rebuilt, re-assembled with heavy equipment, and literally cast into modern concrete foundations multiple times since the 1960s.

    In fact the veracity of the historical thesis is in doubt these days as well, it’s more likely some eccentric ass put these up in relatively modern times a few hundred years ago.

    Their efforts are futile and disruptive, yes. So is the fucking climate change that is literally guaranteed to collapse modern civilization within 50 years.

  • “Depression” in a medical context is not something that simply goes away. The cause is not a stressor such as exams. It is an unnatural imbalance of chemicals in your brain. This can only be treated by medication, or you can mask and adapt to learn to live with it.

    I’m sure stressors can trigger episodes of more severe symptoms but one does not simply “problem solve” away depression.

    This is not to say you have medical depression. However, if you notice this feeling does not go away, it may be time to consult your doctor as this is no replacement for medical advice.