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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Sometimes when you get UI experts and users and engineers in the same room they iterate to similar outcomes because its the logical conclusion. Apples design in this case isn’t ground breaking or even original.

    If multiple species of jumping spider can independently evolve the ability to see red from different branches of their family tree, multiple dev teams can come to the same conclusion about what is more comfortable for reaching with consideration for left and right handed people on various types of screens.

    The problem is so scoped these days, its fairly logical for UIs to come to the same outcome.

  • They are paid to abuse that power, by the billionaires. The billionaires also pay them to keep folks fighting over any topic that keeps the people away from realizing what they are up to. Usually most of the more ridiculous claims from folks at outlets like Fox come right before billionaires cram themselves a tax break into an omnibus bill or repeal some fundamental human right or cut critical parts of your social services and supports.

  • Routhinator@startrek.websitetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldBear
    20 days ago

    Look for the bare necessities
    The simple bare necessities
    Forget about your worries and your strife
    I mean the bare necessities
    Old Mother Nature’s recipes
    That bring the bare necessities of life

    Wherever I wander
    Wherever I roam
    I couldn’t be fonder of my big home
    The bees are buzzin’ in the tree
    To make some honey just for me