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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • RojoSanIchiban@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteBeware imposters...
    8 months ago

    You’re ascribing a lot of emotional baggage to what I typed on my phone while pedaling a stationary bike that doesn’t exist.

    I’m not here to argue the finer points of plot holes in these productions that have been under spotlights for years and detailed far better by people with enough time to make hundreds of videos on the subjects like Robert Meyer Burnett, Nitpicking Nerd, and Red Letter Media.

    If you enjoy these shows, fantastic, more power to you. Just don’t tell me they’re amazingly well-made and just as good as previous incarnations of Star Trek when they can and have been analyzed ad nauseam, displaying exactly how they aren’t.

  • RojoSanIchiban@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteBeware imposters...
    8 months ago

    I’m not expecting everyone agree whether or telling anyone whether or not they should or shouldn’t like it, but there are many more demonstrable issues with writing and plotting, let alone canon, that exist in excess throughout Discovery, Picard, and SNW. These are objective issues that actual writers have taken issue with, and they’re consistent issues with the executive producers involved.

    Absolutely TNG or DS9 aren’t some pantheon of perfection, but from an overall standpoint of consistency, narrative continuity, and proper handling of characters and their development? They’re lightyears beyond the juvenile handling of characters and plots in the post 09 FMV shows. It’s just fact.

  • Tim Apple: “Today, we’re excited to announce ‘Kumbaya Messaging’™️ for iOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, and MacOS! Kumbaya Messaging™️ brings not only Apple Ecosystem™️enjoyers closer together through rich, more connected communications, but will allow all your friends and family who are still using Android to be able to be able to enjoy all of your shitposting gifs, memeojis, and Live Photo™️ snapshots of your take-out pho, including the hilariously embarrassing audio you always forget about. We at Apple want to bridge the divides in our daily lives, and with Kumbaya Messaging™️, we believe we can bring all of us that much closer together.”


  • Yeah, in-universe, Winn was a true patriot in the Bajoran resistance against the Cardassians.

    She was absolutely an insufferable c-word and ultimately undone by her rampant ambition and desire for recognition; she was a terrible, terrIble person, but was not responsible for the deaths of millions (granted, she ultimately would have been, at least in part, if not for Sisko).

    Inaros comes off much more like a mustache twirler. He’s utterly uncaring about life in general. Maybe Winn could have reached his level of despicable and worthiness for removal from the land of living, but by both of their ends, Inaros wins the universal shitbag award by far.

    All that said, while I’d more readily rid the universe of Inaros, it would feel like removing a tumor. I’d have a celebratory pile of hasperat and spring wine over Winn’s departure.

  • You do that by having enough people that were nearby, or better, involved in the overall conspiracy testifying that they were operating with the knowledge that what they were doing was illegal.

    “Beyond a reasonable doubt” is not “beyond the shadow of any doubt.”

    If you have three or four insiders saying that Trump wanted to do X (which was an illegal act), and corroborating testimony that he was told by these lawyers, like Ellis, that the law doesn’t work that way, that this is illegal, it’s not reasonable that Trump can righteously still believe he was not committing a crime. By that point it’s “ignorance of the law” at best, which is not a defense.

    Testimonies will be catered to pointing this out, and there will be plenty of arguments about the intent of text messages and emails and conversations surrounding Trump, they will ultimately establish everyone was aware that this illegal obstruction is being done knowingly and at Trump’s direction. Once you’re there, it requires an absolutely unreasonable juror to conclude he had any reason to believe be was in the right.