• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yeah I also watched a 30 minute highlight video because since Trump has been involved I’ve found watching the whole thing to be intolerable. I am totally open to anybody showing me “high points” for Biden that maybe CNN skipped over in their condensed version.

    He got a couple zingers off

    Lol please share. “Morals of an alleycat”? (or whatever the exact quote is)

    As for the rest, I agree that obviously for general factual content Biden even on his deathbed will beat Trump. However it was undermined by the errors, e.g. getting the price of insulin wrong and millions/billions mixed up more than once. That is the problem.

    I’ll bet you that if he was on his A game, everyone would have been yelling performance enhancement drugs!

    Almost certainly. But he wasn’t so it’s not really the point here.

    Seems like caving into republican talking points way too easily…

    You know what they say about stopped clocks. They will always have this shit to say about Biden, absolutely. So why have I (and many others, NYT included) all of a sudden “caved into” republican talking points after ignoring or arguing against them until now?

    Honestly to me the more interesting “talking points” at the minute are from some democrats, who after (assumedly) reacting in horror with the rest of us after the debate, have latched onto the “He had a cold” excuse that they came out with and tried to pass the whole thing off as a “stutter” issue.

    I think people can see the difference between a stutter and whatever the hell happened at the debate. He wasn’t stuttering, he was freezing up and getting sentences jumbled up. He was not capable of having a coherent debate, and the only saving grace is that Trump isn’t either (different reasons, but still).

    So I find it a little strange how people are talking about his performance, now. We all know what we watched, and that is why everybody freaked the fuck out straight afterwards. Trying to gaslight everyone is not a productive or helpful strategy. (Not you necessarily, by the way, just “the discourse” in general. I would like to see any examples you have of what you’re saying)

  • This is getting down voted here, but it shouldn’t be just because some people disagree. The NYT editorial board coming out with this is a Big Deal. It has the potential to change the race. A lot of influential people still read it.

    The people downvoting don’t care. This community is particularly bad for it, imo. There is a group of people who will downvote literally anything bad for Biden, and think that people like return2ozma, who seems to genuinely be a democrat, are posting bad news as part of some plot to suppress the vote (?) and help Trump win.

    One time I saw one poll with good news for Biden upvoted and another, equally legit poll in a different state (I think this was a swing state too) but showing Trump in the lead sitting on zero. It is not about whether it is significant for these people, it is literally “Is this good or bad for My Guy? Does this fit the echo chamber I want to live in?”

    They absolutely should not downvote something like this, you’re totally right. Any relevant political analysis/news from a respected source should get upvoted. But the (justified) fear of Trump is making tribalism hit hard and turning some people into petulant children with nothing to do but demand we “vote blue” and prop up the narrative.

  • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    2 days ago

    Trump could be the youngest presidential candidate in history and he would still be essentially just as bad. Possibly even worse. If Biden didn’t have these excruciating moments where he seems super senior and gets incoherent he would be pretty good. Unless you happen to be a Palestinian obvs.

    Anyway, people have higher standards for Biden and THEY SHOULD.

  • Definitely a lot of the things people claim Trump will do are more theoretical than not. But also Trump was actually president so it’s not all theoretical, it will probably be a lot like last time. i.e. totally shit.

    But people aren’t always pragmatic so I think convincing someone to vote for you is a much better plan. Biden is in a popularly contest with a racist, idiotic convicted felon and is still somehow about tied with him. Hate to always bring up the supporting a genocide thing but I MEAN…

  • If this horror continues until January, Gaza is already gone. I don’t even know what the fuck they would do if it stops today. He had the chance to be better and he fucked it up. I actually believed he would be better than this.

    Obligatory yes you should still vote for Biden because Trump is obviously worse and undoubtedly the West Bank would be next. Not to mention project 2025. But “horrific” policy is not the best selling point, even when pitted against “even worse” policy. American politics is truly broken.

  • I mean if Hamas and Israel both consider it a ceasefire, let’s by all means ignore that and defer to a random Lemmy user.

    I’m not asking for deference, we both just found examples of continuing conflict. Why would you describe this as a ceasefire? You don’t need to believe me, just use your brain.

    If two people are punching each other in the face but insist they are not fighting, what do we believe: them, or our own eyes?

    It is obvious. Those hypothetical people are fighting. And likewise, there was no ceasefire.

  • So based on this logic, some gay people treat straight people like a danger to their safety, and this isn’t nice and doesn’t make me feel comfortable. Sometimes I want a drink away from this judgment. So can I start a straight bar where gay people are not welcome? Or would that be awful and homophobic?

    I know the baseline situations are not the same, there is obviously still prejudice. But the logic still applies. Likewise, should we have black bars with no white people allowed?

    Also I wonder what type of homophobe would go to a gay bar? Would be an odd move unless you intended to harm/abuse people, and if that was the case wouldn’t you just lie and say you were gay to get in? Not like you’re going to make them kiss someone to get through the door.