Just an old retired guy who’s still a leftist.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Don’t have much to say aside from “she’s excellent.”

    I’m rarely one to say something in this game is “the best” but her Talons are the single strongest melee in the game.

    On my account, Garuda also seems to have an odd, undocumented passive: She shows up as a circuit choice about 4 times as often as other frames. Which is great because the huge maps with great line of sight means her Seeking Talons can wipe huge chunks of the map with a leap in the air.

  • Thought I’d revisit this.

    Sadly, no Suda Assault Teams. Instead, Gruzlings.

    Lost Floppy Disks: Whatever the Hek it is Tagfer is hoping for in Albrecht’s lab.

    Serial to VGA Connectors: Echo Voca.

    Albrecht’s Pen: Endo.

    CD-ROM Reader: Invocations and Canticles, particularly that one you don’t have yet.

    Screen of Void: So, so many weird bugs. Today in the Alchemy Archimedia, I hosted and *I could not see ANY of the elemental pickups. If I happened to stand on one, I got the Pick Up action option, but I never saw them. Then there was a host migration at extraction, plus crazy frame rate drops for the whole squad.

    Sadly, no CyberTool Cable Whip Skin.

    We must wait until 1999 to discover why there is cat hair.

  • Doing two things or more at once is great, as Halasham says.

    But most importantly, if the grind isn’t fun, don’t do it. If it’s not fun the way you’re doing it, find another way to do it. Back before they moved Harrow Systems, I spent roughly thirty hours getting it to drop in Caracol defection. It wasn’t super fun, but I made it more fun by experimenting with every frame I had to see if that frame could do the job effectively.

    So to answer your question: anything that’s fun is worth doing. Because every piece of gear is worth having, and if it’s fun to get, then why not?

  • Convict45@lemmy.worldtoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe: Nova
    7 months ago

    The single most important thing a new Nova player needs to know:


    I don’t care if it’s level 250 steel path, just don’t do it. Rage quitting will ensue if you do.

    The number two thing about Nova:

    If there’s any poetry in your soul at all, her reduced power strength version is not “SpeedVa”. It’s **“GOVA.” **

    Those important PSAs out of the way, I love Nova. She’s one of the few frames that offers flexible enough powers to be truly creative. By which I mean her Antimatter Drop, which can be combined with Wormhole to do some truly amazing things. If you’re wondering what I mean, check out DE’s trick shot competition winners: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1189341-ultimate-portal-trickshot-contest-winners-announced/page/3/#comment-11548009

    Importantly for SlowVa, range is typically very bad. That’s because for survivability, you want the Null Star particles to stay close to you, not be heading off in all directions. Also the range of her 4 scales off duration, not range! Nova’s Molecular Fission augment helps a LOT with this too. Low range does however mean you can’t really use Wormhole. This is why I have three builds for her: SlowVa, GoVa, and Travel.