
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Stop doing that you insufferable pea-brained dolt.

    Not voting for Biden doesn’t mean I’m voting for Trump.

    Idiots like you sit there like your vote is a party popper you MUST use to show if your streamers and confetti are blue or red.

    I am disgusted with the options I am presented with. I get no streamers or confetti…

    Unless Biden condemns the Israeli genocide of Palestine and champions imposing massive embargoes on Israel while fully ceasing any funding in full.

    Then I might believe he (and the DNC) are humbling WAY the fuck up, listening to their constituents, and correcting course is the SMALLEST of ways.

  • You understand that you could sentence Guliani, the world famous Mayor of New York during 9/11 to walk naked into the Antarctic tundra and he will be scooped up and pampered even harder for it.

    By Maga. By Russia. By the fascist cops who justify their blue line culture by the legitimacy of post 9/11 “support the troops, thank the first responders” horse shit we showered them with for 20 years.

    He should be in a cell.

    Put them in cells.

    However luxurious they can make that cell (less wifi), the only thing we can do with these fascists is to confine them to a cell and an orange jumpsuit.

    Everything else is futile.

  • I feel like you are missing the point.

    People win the lottery every day.

    There are far more CWD prions than lottery players, and it would only take one of those prions to mutate into a form that could infect humans.

    Again, I will reiterate, putting on a blindfold, putting your fingers in your ears and going “it won’t happen, lalala!” is a pretty dumb way to approach it.

    We just saw the masses do it with Covid.

    We had a novel disease, we just needed to behave for a couple months, the sweeping majority did, but the remainder of fuck-nuts out there went “it’s not a problem, lalala!” and now we have endemic covid, sweeping segments of the population struggling with long covid, infection rates are going through the roof again, and now new even more severe consequences like epilepsy are showing up in children post infection.

    2 of the rules of life. 1) Microorganisms will mutate. 2) People will be aggressively ignorant and will make sure the mutated microorganism will do as much damage as possible. Because they certainly cant miss that Blink 182 reunion tour…

  • I mean, it makes sense (to me at least) that spouses would inherit debt “that was their spouses”, with the possible exception of established prenuptial/last will and testament agreements creating a grey area in favor of the surviving spouse.

    By default, a marriage is a merging of finances and households.

    Without things like prenups and wills, a divorce is going to be a process of splitting all liabilities and assets 50/50. Similarly, without prenups and wills, the surviving spouse is going to inherit all of assets AND all liabilities (because technically they always held them in tandem with their spouse).

    Now, if there was always a prenup, Hubby always had the money, Wifey was on a weekly/monthly allowance, and Hubby had a will where he left all the money to his son from another woman, leaving Wifey with nothing, Wifey didn’t get any assets, obviously she doesn’t inherit any debt.

    Outside marriage, I think it should go like this:

    Upon death, non-liquid assets get distributed. Timmy inherits the Pontiac GT, Harriet inherits all of the clothes, Wilfred gets all the furniture, Freddy gets the house. Any SECURED liability on the non-liquid assets stay attached. Dad had 3k left on the car loan for the Pontiac, Timmy can take over that car loan. If Freddy doesn’t want Dad’s house worth 300k dollars with 200k left on the mortgage, he has the option to liquidate the house, but the proceeds from that sale go into the liquid assets of the estate, not into Freddy’s pocket.

    After non-liquid assets have been distributed/liquidated and BEFORE any liquid assets get distributed as inheritance, liability holders for the estate get to fight over what ever liquid assets are there. If the estate, after liquidation, has 400k in liquid assets, secured liability holders (the mortgage company) are going to get first stab at the money. The mortgage company recovers its 300k. Then any unsecured liability holders (Dad’s credit card he ran up to 60k dollars) get next stab at the liquid assets. They recover their 60k, that leaves 40k in liquid assets.

    If the liability of the estate exceeds the liquid assets of the estate, no dollars are going to anyone in the family. Liability holders get all the money, and some of them probably get stiffed on the remainder.

    In no event does unsecured liability get shuffled off on a successor of the deceased.

    If there are no liquid assets left after liability has been resolved, Frankie doesn’t get the 10k Dad’s will said was bequeathed to him.

    No idea how all of this actually plays out. Just my opinion on what should happen with an estate after death.

  • “Inheriting debt” as far as I am aware has never been legally validated.

    At least in America, the courts are silent about it.

    Like, your paychecks can’t be garnished in the name of inherited debt, but the courts also wont stop debt collectors from going after a person for inherited debt.

    If the surviving family buckles under the harassment and pays, they buckle and pay. If they hold strong and wait for the collectors to move on, they don’t pay.

  • Bankruptcy doesn’t mean without money.

    It means your liabilities exceed your assets.

    Liquid assets go straight towards liabilities, real assets TEND to stay untouched, some physical assets are sold off, some aren’t, then after that little dance, the remainder of liabilities are discharged.

    So yes. When you walk out of a bankruptcy, in general, your quality of life has changed very little, you are just starting over in terms of LIQUID assets.

    That is what bankruptcy was designed to be.