LegionEris [she/her]

Leading a one woman branch of the Erisian Liberation Front! In love with almost everything all the time.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Random trans folk I see look right past me.

    I had this happen with a whole group of trans women staying at the motel I used to work at. I passed to them to the point that there was no “oh hey!” moment, no Charlie Kelly meerkat eyes. It was a strange experience, at once sad and satisfied?

    Now I work at a dispensary and smoke or vape weed every day. For better or worse, I’ll never voice pass consistently in a world with legal weed. Which I guess is fine. I’m not especially fond of the “oh whoa” moment on the faces of straight men who have decided from a distance I was a hotgirl™ and they were gonna treat me a certain way, but I guess I’d rather disarm straight people than be invisible to young trans girls.

  • Yogurt with fruit and cereal. Unlike many (most?) people dealing with the munchies, I regularly run a calorie deficit. So I try to keep relatively healthy sources of calories on hand. I get full fat Greek yogurt and mix in whatever fibrous fruit. Lately it’s been raisins and cheerios. I’ll usually have a mug or small bowl of that after dinner as a sort of sturdy, healthy dessert. I wake up hungry a lot less often when I do.

  • You’re a truama therapist, then manage multiple neurodiversity communities in your spare time? You give a lot.

    I also have yet another female-identifying client that may have ADHD, bringing the total to 6. I swear, we flock together.

    I think neurodivergent people in general do. I have a sixth sense for picking out people with truama. If I really immediately click with someone, if I inherently understand and get along someone, they probably had some amount or degree of fucked up childhood. My other best friend is so because we are the two at work with CPTSD. There are a few people with PTSD, but we understand each other on a level neither of us gets from other people.

  • As usual this is the end of my week. Today is just laundry and music and weed. My week was kind of amazing. I was blessed with a tome of essential workplace lore: a notebook with a mixture of dramatic personal notes and letters and professional sketches and thoughts left by one of the contractors who built our garage. I read every word of it. It was magical. My best friend and assistant manager who had been talking about our morale issue like it was intractable brought in chili and potato soup Saturday, then homemade sweets to the meeting yesterday. She’s better at this part of the job than she knows.

    Turns out I didn’t actually lose a friend recently. She was broke and turned off her phone for a while. Her carrier’s phrasing sounded like she had blocked my number, but she texted me from the drive thru to prove she hadn’t. Her shithead to-be-ex-husband showed up at the dispensary during this time telling me they were together and asking for her friends and family discount. I thought she blocked me so I couldn’t chew her out. But she is still actively pursuing another man (a great guy who maybe isn’t patient enough for this drawn our divorce =/) and clearly isn’t living like her ex, who looks more and more like meth in human form. (tbh meth in human form would probably be a better person than him.) I am so relieved that I wasn’t just betrayed like it kind of seemed after more than a week of “Message Blocking is active.”