• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Not sure about biological reasons. Its possible I spose but without more medical knowledge. In not sure how removing / changing organs as they grow developmentally effects the final outcome.

    The argument has always been about the maturity of the candidate. And the idea that surgery is not practically reversible. Vs the mental harm of growing up in a body that dose not match your perceived gender.

    But I have to wonder. As In the UK and I am sure the US hormone blockers are also being attacked with often questionable medical evidence as to the harm the may do when used on developing teenagers.

    Given In the UK it is definatly not legal for anyone under the age of consent to have gender reasignment surgery. The current attacks seem to be aimed at making it impossible for that surgery to achive its best success once it is legal.

  • Warning long left of centre rant. TLDR = Don’t Read my waffle if you don’t want to.

    Kinnock added that if Labour was overly cautious in government, it would play into Reform’s narrative that there was little difference between the two main parties.

    Unfortunately that seems to be a losing battle. Caution in spending leads to lack of difference between the right wing.

    Spending of any form leads to attacks from the right and centre as irresponsible.

    And both sides of that debate have a point. The issue is their points are weighed with irrelevant attacks. Labours current right of centre fiscal ideals are still backed by more emotional responsibility to citizens. Then the Tory robber barrons currently forming the real right.

    And Spending dose not need too be irresponsible. Even when money is short. It can be slow and built around investment. IE investing in utilities housing etc that will return funding to the government.

    Unfortunately that is where the rights insincerity in attacks show the worst. Any investment that has th oppertunity to raise money is attacked by the right wing media as inefficiencies etc.

    Even the tories own figures suggest 7.5% Inefficency is all the difference between government owned vs privrate, and while that has no real evidence at all to back it up. Dose anyone think they have seen a 7.5% improvement in services or cost from privrate providers of monopoly style utilities. Of course not. No privrate corperation is going to be interested in running such utilities etc based on a 7.5% profit.

    It stuns me that the tory attack on social housing has not been more of a point over the last 10 years. They made an open choice to force social housing to raise prices so it did not compete with privrate. Meaning they increased their own wellfare budget hugly. While allowing/creating the housing cost crisis we have now.

    Its insane how irresponsible the tories have been. Its hard to honestly think moves like that are not intentional to limit the moves any left of centre government can make.

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.ukOPtoUK Politics@feddit.ukDo not under estimate the Tories
    7 days ago

    As dumb as that sounds. If someone killed Hitler after he was popular as a german politician. All it would do is create a marter. Hitler lead a political movement his actions were not that of an individual. The German people would not have changed direction if he was assassinated. That is why assassination is not how to solve political issues. And Fascism was a popular idea at the time. In Germany the US and the UK.

    The old joke that killing Hitler is a common time travel error. As silly as it is meant to be. Is based on logic. It would need to be done before he has support. Or you just give that support an event to gain more support. If you do it before he has support. You better hope know one knows what you did when you get back.

    in real life without time travel. Their are very few times a political assassination would not end up worse off. At least anywhere remotely democratic as Germany was. Politics means people choose a leader so assassination is just trying to use fear to change minds. Fear rarely leads to better results.

  • This is UK politics but

    Joe Biden ran against Trump’s horrific immigration policies and wall building. Joe Biden is now pushing an immigration policy that is even worse than Trump’s. Joe Biden has waived dozens of laws to facilitate the construction of Trump’s border wall through environmental preserves.

    Trumps policy was racist aimed specifically at Muslim nations and his wall was just stupid. Bidens is bad but no more fascist then the last 100 years of US politics. IE still evil but less evil and stupid then trumps. Certainly no more so.

    Joe Biden ran against Trump’s horrific foreign policy and trade war with China. Joe Biden has changed nothing, instead doing the opposite and pressing China even harder and stacking pathetic foreign policy blunders higher than Trump’s stupid ass did.

    As is the EU and most of the west. But he actually ran against trumps claims of leaving NATO and other foreign policies. As far as evil. I am not sure economic fights with a different powerful nation even count as evil. Its not like they cause suffering towards members in that nation. If it was a 3rd world nation sure. Its dumb. As its not good for the US economy. But then nor is losing all of your manufacturing capability to nations that are cheaper. But that is an opinion many politicians disagree with. Capitalist corporations have done way more harm to western economies over the last 50 years then either trump or biden as far as losing skilled workforce. And lets face it. The actions of china spying and using threats to control US UK and EU citizens who originate from china. Hardly leaves it as one sided.

    Joe Biden refused to engage in any diplomacy with Russia. The war in Ukraine is a direct result of that.

    Utter and total bullshit. Nato spend decades agreeing to nato not accepting nations that border Russia. A nation that murdered people inside the UK a US and Nato allies during trumps leadership. (not blaming trump for that. Just pointing out the relationship biden inherited) Russia has for a couple of decades been an unreliable partner in diplomacy. And the US is far from the only nation that decided they were not allowed to bully their way after Crimea. While Trump literally broke US law and prevented funding going to Ukraine after congress had approved it. While asking for info to help his election campaign. The whole idea of diplomacy with Russia was lost long before trump lost office. Entirely due to Russia actions.

    Remember this is a nation that signed an agreement with the Ukraine to respect their independence in exchange for the Ukraine giving up nuclear weapons the USSR built there. Then used the nations lack of weapons and NATO agreement not to accept border members to strip Crimea from the Ukraine. Russia did not want piece without expansion.

    Joe Biden is fully supporting Israel’s horrific genocide.

    Agreed. But so is congress the senate and the party trump claims to represent. Along with a sizeable proportion of US voters. If you think trump will stop it. I have a huge wall on the US Mexico border to sell you.

    Add the fact that Biden has never tried to start a civil war to hold on to political office.

    Its really not hard to find a worst candidate out of 2 bad options and you live in a nation where not voting only gains 0 If you really cannot see any disadvantage of one over the other. I assure you the world outside the US def dose.

    Gaza is bidens biggest negative. But trump is in no way likely to be better for them.

    Sorta like the UK. Tories and labour are both crap on Gaza the main diff is Tories are currently in charge. But no one is voting labour because they think gaza will be better off. If we had proportional representation like most of the rest of Europe Labour would not win. They would be the largest party. But FPTP gives to much of an advantage to the larger parties. Heck if we did not have a parliament rather then a presidency we would also be on a complete 2 party system like the US. But the fact we do not vote for our PM. Allows allows smaller parties to gain constituency power but not national. Once you have 30% of the vote the maths gives huge advantages over smaller parties.

  • Yep. But honestly the Tories are skilled at this shit. Labours lead has way more to do with hatred of the Tories. Then hope/love for labours offering. While the polls still have a large number of undecided responses.

    The Tories know full well they only need dislike for labour or stammer to at the least leave labour with a weak majority maybe even change to a coalition government.

    And while ill say the Tories are worse off for partners in the event that a coalition is needed. A Labour Lib Dem or less likely Labour SNP gov is not going to be hugely popular.

    While the Tories turning things around with some last min bacon sandwich like crap is very doable. Fighting for a weak gov where they can take advantage on Labours infighting is likely the path they see ahead.

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.ukOPtoUK Politics@feddit.ukDo not under estimate the Tories
    7 days ago

    Agreed. But you also have to consider the timing. The only way to stop it is to change the voting system. As I am very vocal in trying to do between all elections.

    Or to change the candidates. Again I have been trying that between elections.

    At this point your faced with 2 options. Assassination or choosing the lesser evil.

    Honestly the first choice just makes you the greater evil.

  • Yep that is because under FPTP it is the truth. The US is one of the few other nations that use the shitty system. So yes if you refuse to vote Biden you are Basically giving your vote to the Trump camp.

    Something only people who actually think trump will do less harm trhen biden should do.

    And anyone who thinks that. Really is not worth listening to.

  • I’m 53 so the former. But also experienced enough to have see your argument before. Because I was making them.

    I and many my age said exactly the same thing about Tony Blair’s leadership of the party. And heck I have been making the argument for the last few years post Corbyn.

    But I also have the experience to know how much better life under right wing labour is then even left wing Tories. So 10 days before the election. Fighting to change the options we have is a losing battle. The fight is instead between 5 years of a lesser evil. Or a much much greater one.

    Because at the end of it. Right wing labour is not trying to start a war against the poor. Whereas the Conservative Party is very much built from a history of embedded privileged. It literally grew from the lords side of a fight between the house of lords vs the house of commons. I.E. feudalism vs commoners. The power of generational privileged wealth vs democracy. (As limited as it was in those days)

    While since 1689 the structure of parliament has changed hugely. That is the historical predecessor to the Tories losing against the Liberals and Labour representing the rights of commons.

    And any honest look at the ideology of the 2 main parties is still based on privileged wealth vs the early idea of the middle class. I.E. Earned wealth (although the far left would have issues with earned I agree with). The left wing of the labour party (that both started it and removed the Liberals from opposition. ) Cannot win this election. But we can sure as hell give it to the Tories unintentionally. Very like the right of the party did in 2019 (ill add intentionally here).

    What I see very strongly is an attempt by Tories to blame the poor for poverty. As they always do. vs an attempt by Labour to turn what they call the centre. But in the feudal past our parliament grew in was referred to as the middle class. I.E. traders and business men not born into generational wealth.

    I hate that FPTP is so shitty. And have seen how shitty since the 1980s. But again 10 days till the election. Its time to bite your anger down and choose the lesser evil. Because the greater evil knows how to use yours and my anger to gain power.

  • Tories are pretty boned, period,

    I am old enough to have thought that in the past. The money that backs the Tories will not give up. Given how open the party has been about its extrean right over the last few years.

    Honestly until the 5th July it is very dangerous to think that way. All these predictions are based on 65 to 75% turn out. That is high. The Tories do not need to convince folks to vote Tory. They are better off stopping folks voting labour. At least in seats where a 3rd party is not closer to Tory in polling.

    If they reduce turn out for labour while increasing support for more left of centre parties. They can do to labour what Corbyn did to may. Create a weak minority party where the existing devisions in the PLP prevent the party achieving much.

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.ukOPtoUK Politics@feddit.ukDo not under estimate the Tories
    7 days ago

    Agreed. But its not about starmer being good. Its about being less bad then the Tories.

    FPTP is an utter fuck over of an electoral system. That leaves very few places where voting 3rd party or even not voting is not a vote for Tory rule.

    Its unpleasant but a simple fact that evil is quantifiable. When your choice is limited via the voting system. Refusing to vote for the lesser of 2 evils basically means you support goes to the greater.

  • I’m just doing it with more frustration than ever before

    Pretty sure that represents the labour lead atm. Def folks wanting to vote against tories rather then for labour. Unfortunately it also leave the Tories with an open attack vector. They just need to time the right attack to dramatically split the left vote in Lab seats where they are still 2nd.