
  • 41 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月10日


  • Their basis for holding back was Ukraine might use them to strike targets in Russia, and that cannot be allowed…

    That was one argument, the other one was that a (German) ground force maintainance crew & training & encoding experts and stuff would be needed. Regarding sending maintainance crews, the opinions seem more and more positive of late. I’ll reckon we’ll might see Taurus , and hopefully more of it’s friends, being send. Then again, it will also depend on the outcome of the ( EU) elections this year.

  • Ofc Ukraine may defend itself! Anyway, here their quote:

    “We think that we should allow them to neutralize military sites where missiles are fired, from where … Ukraine is attacked,” Macron said at a joint press conference alongside the German chancellor following talks at Schloss Meseberg near Berlin, the official state guest house of the German Federal Republic.

    At the same time, he stressed that “we should not allow them to touch other targets in Russia, and obviously civilian capacities.”

  • This deal will allow Ukraine to boost its capabilities, including its essential air defence systems to protect its civilians, cities and infrastructure, which are still suffering indiscriminate attacks as seen this weekend in Kharkiv,” Sánchez told a press conference after the signing.

    He said Spain had already pledged to supply Patriot missiles and said it would also send “another batch of Leopard tanks and above all ammunition”.

    The Spanish government said the agreement would also include other areas, such as intelligence, training, de-mining, reconstruction and humanitarian assistance.

  • Chancellor would stop being such a pussy

    I understand your sentiment, and not that I expecially care for Scholz, but he deserves better: he can’t do it without the support the German Parliament. He might have been able to overcome that, if he’d had more public approval. In these turbulent disinformation/influence times, this is often the determinator…

    Here a link EU polls Germany " Germany divided on military aid: The Bundestag has approved supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine - but Germans public opinion is quite divided on the issue as shown in different polls: in the Politbarometer survey, most of German respondents surveyed (56%) think it right to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons, while 39% were against it. Otherwise, 59% believe that the delivery of such weapons increases the danger of a Russian attack on Western, see source."

  • should be a push to public transport.

    Don’t know where you are from, but most of Europe has had good public transport. Though it can always be better, so Europe is pushing further with for example the TEN project, and check some vids on YT.

    Also, imo, there is no " one" right answer. No holy grail nor whatever. Most choices are incrementel.Usuallly It’s a shift of awareness, technology ( in a form) and culture, which hopefully leads to a better tomorrow. The difference is that the majority of the problems we face have no precedent. 8 bn humans worldwide is a first since for ever.

  • over the past 60 years the West

    I reckon the writer is saying this about the West because that’s the only data he had access to. And, that this techno-pessimism should be a worldwide phenomena.

    On the other hand, I wonder whether other cultures, apart from the West, have adopted a similar risk averse mindset. I mean, “the Haves” (and not the Have- Nots) are the only ones prone to be afraid to loose their accumulated wealth & lifestyle. But probably other affluent groups in the Non- Western world, might have adopted similar tendencies.

    Or, they might have not. And this risk averse mindset, is exclusively a Western post-industrial cultural element. It would be very interesting to find out what the cultural & regional differences actually are world-wide.