• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • You joke but…

    I was in a benefits meeting a few years ago led by the insurance rep for our employee health coverage.

    Deductibles came up.

    I raised my hand and asked, “So if I go skiing for Christmas and snap my femur on December 26, it behooves me to delay any treatment until January 1, right?”

    She didn’t miss a beat and said, “Yes, that’s correct.”

    There was a stunned silence in the room from that one.

  • There’s a reggae album out of Jamaica by Romain Virgo with a song called “I’m doin good”

    In that song is the line, “may not be able to buy what vegetarians cook but I’m doin good”

    The album is from 2010. The first time I heard that song was my first realization that vegetarianism can be difficult as I’d recently been to Jamaica, and they do love them some vegetarianism. It hadn’t occurred to me that maybe some of them wanted to be vegetarian but weren’t able.

  • Yes homestead. I’m not sure how other states do it.

    Texas increased from ten thousand to twenty five thousand to forty thousand to a hundred thousand in a short period.

    So semantics. I say increase for other houses, you say discount for primary house. Either way you choose to phrase it, you pay less for your primary residence and more for other properties.

  • My entire life has offered two options - time or money

    Never both

    In this phase, I’ve been making good money, but it’s at the cost of working twelve to fifteen hours a day six to seven days a week for half the year, going down to a meager forty five to fifty hours for the other six months with no overtime.

    Then I’ve got to be careful in making comments that I’ve got a few pennies saved because it makes other Lemmy users think I’m all bougie or whatever word it is that the kids use these days.

    The reason I’ve saved money is that I have no time to spend it. My entire existence is either working or preparing to go to work via laundry/groceries/cooking. (Leaving the office for lunch is a mortal sin, so I bring my own daily and eat at my desk, never a lunch break)

    I’ll look at the transactions in my bank account and I’m surprised that I live on about a hundred and thirty dollars a week because of this. (This doesn’t include housing expense)

    It’s unprecedented in my company, but I’m about to negotiate more time off in lieu of raise this next upcoming cycle.

    I’m so




    And no I can’t just “get another job”. There are no greener pastures, especially since I’ve crossed into the dreaded “in my fifties” zone

  • About ten years ago, I worked for a small firm where most of the partners attended this very church.

    One of the reasons I left was that I felt completely out of place as they integrated their religion into the office culture.

    When I left, the managing partner would send me handwritten letters for YEARS effectively telling me that while I had chosen damnation for myself, I owed it to my daughter to have the opportunity for salvation by attending this specific gateway Church in Southlake.

    If I didn’t have so much disdain and bitterness, I’d be tempted to send him this article.