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Joined 4 days ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024


  • Ukraine is getting support and still fighting orks. It is a politically delicate situation, but it is working.

    Dunno the pertro dollar, I assume you are wrong, but I’ll enjoy looking into it later.

    Afghanistan withdrawal was entirely on trump.

    There is plenty of ramped up, unnecessary border security, I think we are still breaking records for people and drugs stopped there…hell, fox news, in their stupidity, reported that Biden’s border stopping record highs of fentanyl from getting across the border was a bad thing. trump’s Whitehouse was prescribing the stuff!

    Supply chain failure…of? You talking about the problems during COVID that the trump administration cocked up so bad that it caused supply chain failures?

    Vaccines was struck down by the ignorant and the stupid, not Biden.

    Economy is finally recovering from the shambles that trump left it in with his record debt. Biden did an impressive job fixing that so fast when Congress fought him the whole way.

    But, hey! Maybe the one thing you are right about is the Petro dollar! Even a maga-media consumer has to be right every once in a while!

  • Yeah, you kinda gotta think about it…if the US falls, it won’t fail and die, it will become evil. What side do you want them to be on in this next big war brewing? The world wars with the US on the other side seems rough for every good and decent person. Hell, Ukraine would be in a bad spot if the US was actively fighting along side the orks…well, Ukraine would be West-russia already, and that isn’t even intending to speak ill of the Ukrainian heroes, it is just a shitty hypothetical reality. The US a big greedy resource vacuum that lets their corporations push them to meddle in world affairs, but they are also the insane PTSD soldier turned cop of the classroom keeping the other bully kids in line. It is a weird place to be, but the US feels like a floodgate that is tolerated, because without it, we have real bad things in the waters it holds back. So frustrating.