(He/ Him/ His).

Irish <3

Never stop being a good person because of bad people.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • Dating apps are a fucking shit show.

    I was on Tinder, Bumble and Hinge for the last 6 months.

    I was genuinely trying to put my best foot forward, be kind, genuine and actually wanted to meet someone. I’m kinda sick of being single after breaking up from a long term relationship last year.

    I tried every strategy and technique.

    More info on my profile / Less info on my profile. More group pics/ more pics of just me. Being funnier / being more sincere.

    I even paid for Tinder plus and Bumble plus.

    Did I get a single date from any of these apps? Nope. But I did get ghosted. Unmatched. Ignored. Etc etc countless fucking times.

    It absolutely fucked my mental health. My brain is in a good place now after a long time with trying different medications and therapy etc. I like the person I am. I know I have a lot to offer in a relationship. But fuck if my self esteem and mental state didn’t take a nosedive after being on these apps. Putting so much time and effort into presenting yourself as well as you can, putting best foot forward etc and getting zero interest back, it really makes you question who you are and even your value as person.

    I fucking hate it.

    So yeah, I’m still single. I don’t see that changing any time soon.

    For context btw, I’m 189cm / 6’2" tall, 100KG / 220lbs, healthy, active guy in my twenties. I’m in a comp sci college course. I drive, have an income, savings, go to the gym 4 times a week etc In other words, I tick enough boxes/ do all the things, that are supposed to help find a match on these apps. But even with all that said, 6 months and zero dates. I don’t even know anymore. I deleted my accounts on these the other day and I advise others to do the same. The chances of you actually finding someone you like and have chemistry with is basically zero at this stage. Plus the enshitification is rife. They push the premium subscriptions so fucking hard but in the end, they don’t help you find matches or dates. It’s worth noting that Tinder wants to keep you on the app. You deleting it after finding love is bad for business as far as they are concerned. I just wish more people would realize this.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

  • Ah yes, famous right winger Killer Mike of Run The Jewels. Much of his music suggests he’d love to run with RFK

    “Look at all these slave masters posing on your dollars”

    “Kill your masters”

    “Where my thuggers and my cripples and my bloodles and my brothers, When you niggas gon unite and kill the police motherfuckas?”

    “My name is Michael Render and we are the new avengers. We’re here to tell you all your false idols are just pretenders. They’re corporation slaves indentured to all the lenders. So even if you got seven figures, you still a nigga”

    KM endorsed Bernie Sanders in the past. I can’t see him doing a 180 and working with someone like RFK