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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I was mostly referring to the quality being shitty and less-so the content of the edits themselves.

    • To start with, it looks like they used a row-resolution base and then possibly tried to AI upscale it (look at animal faces on the “protect kids” wrap and the artist signature/items on the table)
    • The pointless circular blur near the collar of the box holder
    • The weird clone/stamp action going on with the side of the box - just use a solid box if the goal is efficiency vs quality!

    But also leaving the artist’s signature on an edited comic and not mentioning it’s modified feels shitty too. This isn’t a meme or political community so I’d think posting the original is more appropriate anyway.

  • In no way did I suggest Floyd should have been killed.

    But you insist on going out of your way to bloviate about how he was such a terrible person. That’s the entire crux of your argument and it just doesn’t matter. The whole point of having human rights and rule of law is not to pick and choose when they apply. Everyone should care when anyone is needlessly killed or abused, regardless of their past or personality. It’s possible to want a person to die but still insist that others don’t kill them.

    And please chill with your moaning about everyone’s reading comprehension and intelligence. It’s not conducive to polite discussion and might give people the impression you’re just trolling.

  • I don’t care about the particular person being targeted, the police aren’t supposed to murder someone just because they feel like it. If they’re a first time offender or a “career criminal” they shouldn’t be killed unless there’s no feasible alternatives.

    Do you honestly think there would have been meaningful lasting change if people propped up Breonna as a martyr instead? Why hasn’t that happened for any of the other well-publicized deaths of upstanding citizens? Why haven’t things like consent decrees and civilian oversight boards been enough to curb police violence and rights abuse, especially against minority groups?

    The police didn’t even bother pretending they were sorry and would pinkie-swear to reform, they flat out demanded that they be allowed to act with impunity and then just decided they didn’t want to enforce the law at all anymore if the public was going to be angry with them. Are there instances of the police stating they want to improve their perception and relationship with the public and “the reactionaries” just deciding to riot instead? It should never have come to the point that a large amount of people (across the country) felt rioting was the most appropriate move, but since it did I think the failing was just that it didn’t go far enough. There’s plenty of evidence to conclude that the police and their enablers will not voluntarily reform and will need be forced against their will.

    And as far as providing conservatives with talking points, there’s literally no situation where they won’t just use whatever narrative they want; even if it involves space lasers or child trafficking in a pizzeria basement.

  • DABDA@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@programming.devAny Volunteers
    2 months ago

    The Chicken and the Pig

    The fable of the Chicken and the Pig is used to illustrate the differing levels of commitment from project stakeholders involved in a project. The basic fable runs:

    A Pig and a Chicken are walking down the road.
    The Chicken says: “Hey Pig, I was thinking we should open a restaurant!”
    Pig replies: “Hm, maybe, what would we call it?”
    The Chicken responds: “How about ‘ham-n-eggs’?”
    The Pig thinks for a moment and says: “No thanks. I’d be committed, but you’d only be involved.”

  • There’s a video by a designer talking about some of the symbolism of Ellie’s journey (Full talk video here – SPOILERS for the film in both).

    And also an insightful YouTube comment(!) someone made in response describing their interpretation:


    "This is one of the most thoughtful and insightful reviews on deeper film meanings I think I’ve ever seen. In keeping with the rebirth symbolism, I would offer the following possibilities.

    1. The transport pod symbolizes more of a womb, rather than a gas chamber.
    2. The chair may not be an electric chair but rather a means for Ellie to assume a modified fetal position while in the capsule. This would mimic the position of a baby of in a womb prior to its own birth.
    3. The wires plugged into Ellie represent an umbilical cord to sustain her, rather than a means to kill her.
    4. The periodic updates given by the mission control staff as to the status of the machine (10%, 20%, 30%, etc.) mirror the increasing dilation of women in labor (1 cm dilated, 2cm dilated, 3cm dilated, etc.).
    5. The wormhole sequence mirrors the new life traveling through a birth canal.
    6. The capsule takes on a liquid form to symbolizes the protective amniotic fluid to keep the new life safe.
    7. After Ellie’s “birth”, the first person she sees is her father.
    8. This rebirth scene is enhanced by considering Ellie’s mother died from complications of childbirth when Ellie was born. This backstory enhances Ellie’s natural reluctance to be reborn as her initial birth killed her mother, and permanently altered her life.

    There’s undeniably imagery of execution and rebirth simultaneously occurring within the same frames! The filmmakers did an outstanding of capturing some very compelling storytelling while inserting remarkable symbolism."