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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The Imperium are the worst outcome for humanity.

    The Interex would not have fallen to Chaos.

    The fleet based societies wouldn’t have invaded and gone to war with literally all peaceful Xeno.

    A sane federation of post dark age human planets could have been formed without the autocratic dictatorship and avoided war with half the galaxy.

    This would have left humanity AND xenos better off and more capable of defeating emerging threats like the Tyranids.

  • The Dark Eldar saved the Tau from a hive fleet for a ‘mere’ cultural exhange.

    The Tau who accompanied the Dark Eldar to Commoragh were turned into Talos engines and the like, mutated horribly and tortured by Hommonculi.

    The Tau have since learnt the difference between the craftworld Eldar and their debased kin. Something most Imperials don’t seem too interested in learning due to their extreme xenophobic brain washing.

  • Standard beat up by the Liberals on this one

    Senator Reynolds pushed the department on whether it was appropriate to spend money on hiring an additional speechwriter.

    "When Services Australia who is paying for this contract is keeping people waiting increasingly longer for crisis payments, for aged care payments

    I would like to ask Senator Reynolds under which government did those services deteriorate for a decade?

    Under which government did we have Services Australia pushing people to suicide with Robodebt?

    Perhaps a highly paid speech writer is required in part due the outrageous harm the Liberals have cause Australians who needed services and instead were pushed to suicide.

    Make no mistake. The Liberals are scum and don’t give a single fuck about Aussie battlers.