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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • It’s not that they now changed something with data collection and sharing within the update. They always did it, all services free of charge do it and most that cost money likely take the extra money as well.

    It’s now that they tell you in a short and informative way (1st sentence) and ask for your consent.

    What’s really infuriating, are websites and services that have an “Accept All” button but no “Reject All”. Instead you have to manage individually and sometimes I have to flip 30 separate buttons to disable data sharing, where they even call advertisers a ‘necessary 3rd party’ requiring interaction on top.

  • Tobias Ellwood, the former chairman of the Commons defence committee” is about half a year behind with his accusation. So either it’s just for show or he’s not well informed about this topic.

    Already October 2023, this was in the news for everyone to read, that France and the UK are providing the geodata for their cruise missile targets and that the UK has personnel in Ukraine.

    One example article I just picked via web search: German Tagesspiegel, dated 05.10.2023


    Quote & DeepL translation:

    The British and French can do something “we can’t”

    The UK and France have nevertheless supplied cruise missiles of the virtually identical types “Storm Shadow” and “Scalp”. According to Bild, Scholz said in a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee last week that these two countries “can do something that we are not allowed to do”, adding: “So the question does not arise.”

    What he meant was that the UK and France supplied the geodata for missile targets themselves, with the UK also having its own personnel on the ground in Ukraine. This is out of the question for the German government.

  • I read that paragraph on Wikipedia but fail to see your statements. Italy, Denmark, France aren’t even mentioned there.

    In detail it’s described that Poland stopped paying Russia, so Russia stopped pumping gas via the Yamal pipeline to Poland. That is not ‘cutting-off’. Also Poland kept receiving natural gas from Russia via Nord Stream, via Germany and over to Poland during summer 2022. Yamal was running in reverse and supplying Poland, so that they even hit over 100% storage at that time. For Finland it’s similar - they stopped paying, so Russia stopped delivering.

    Even today Russia supplies EU countries with natural gas, which is also part of the storage and supply calculation within the EU. What if Russia stops delivering tomorrow? How can these countries be supplied in such a scenario? Russia still has some leverage over a few countries, e.g. Austria via long-term contracts, where Austria stated not honouring the contracts from their side, would be more expensive that taking the natural gas.

  • I must admit I stopped reading after the first paragraph but it’s just so exaggerated or simply false, that I don’t see the value in spending more time on such an article.

    Shell, Europe’s largest energy company, forecast on Wednesday that global demand for liquefied natural gas, which has been a lifeline for Europe after Russia cut off pipeline gas supplies, will surge by around 50 percent over the next 15 years.

    • LNG is not a lifeline. A pipeline could be labelled like that, but LNG is a globally traded good supplied by dozens of countries.
    • Russia did not cut off natural gas supplies, they even supply now throughout their illegal war, towards countries that support Ukraine.
    • 50% increase over 15 years is not a ‘surge’, but more a slow and steady increase.

  • These charts are usually a day or a few days behind for individual kills. It takes time to collect statistics from the front lines, make reports and create that image overview out of it. So it’s never from events of the same day, always what recently happened.

    I often saw videos of Russian columns advancing into fields and lots of wrecks at the end of the videos. Sometimes it even takes 2 days, but then there is the spike in numbers in the published data.

  • The point is that Hamas doesn’t stop firing rockets. I’m not there, so I don’t know if they fire on southern Israel every single day, but twice a week everyone can read about rockets fired at Israel and sirens going off. It seems just Tel Aviv wasn’t targeted for a few weeks (this article). In the link below Ashkelon is mentioned as well with a short break of 2 weeks. But as I said before, the further north, the longer the range they need to build and with the claims they are running short on weapon supplies, this makes sense that further targets get hit less often.

    e.g. just a few days ago:

    “Hamas welcomes UN court ruling as it fires rockets on Israel (January 26, 2024; The Telepgraph)”

    “Hamas appears to have targeted the south of Israel, where attacks have become increasingly rare amid claims the group is running out of missiles. Rockets were sighted over the city of Ashkelon for the first time in two weeks.”


  • As you didn’t read the article:

    “This move seems driven by the government’s interest in collecting and centralizing biometric data for identification, tracking, and surveillance purposes,” he said. Omar agreed: “Probably to keep track of the refugees.”

    They hand out SIM cards to track those SIM cards. Using a certain messaging app on the phone or not doesn’t change SIM card tracking within the network.

  • On the topic of peace and peace talks, that Zelensky also mentioned in Argentina, this is the first issue that comes to my mind: territory.

    Ukraine ceding occupied territory to Russia – why would they do this? It would be a reward for Russia for conducting an illegal invasion. It would be a terrible precedent, showing the world that it’s a doable and acceptable procedure, where you get to keep stuff at the end.

    Russia returning occupied territory to Ukraine – why would they do this? It’s what they came for and so far they can militarily hold onto it. Making them stop the occupation needs an incentive. But what could that be? From who? Financial? Political? In what magnitude? Wouldn’t giving Russia anything then again also be a reward? They invaded, occupied for a while and then get some goodies for leaving?

    I really don’t know how the plans in the drawers all over the world look, from people that are in decision making positions. And we haven’t even started about reparations for war damages yet.

  • Musst nicht einmal schlecht sein dort weit oben zu stehen:

    Erfasst werden alle in einem Staat anfallenden Verpackungsabfälle, unabhängig davon, ob sie in der Industrie, im Handel, im Büro, in Geschäften, im Dienstleistungsbereich, in Haushalten oder auf einer anderen Ebene erzeugt werden.

    Die wichtigsten Verpackungsmaterialien sind Glas, Papier und Pappe, Kunststoffe, Metalle (Aluminium und Stahl) sowie Holz.

    Es könnte auch heißen wir setzen mehr auf recyclebare und schwerere Verpackungen aus Glas bzw. auch Pappe ist schwerer als eine Plastikverpackung. Die Statistik geht rein nach Gewicht. Wir könnten also einfach ein solideres Kreislaufsystem bei Verpackungen haben und auf diese Weise mehr Gewicht in die Statistik bringen. Darauf geht der verlinkte Artikel leider nicht ein.

    Bspw. die Biscotto American Cookies von Aldi auf meinem Tisch hier: Letztes Jahr hatten die noch einen hauchdünnen Plastikeinsatz innerhalb der Plastikfolie. Jetzt ist es ein dickerer Träger aus Pappe für die Kekse.