2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldVictory lap!
    3 days ago

    I think it’s a noble thing to preserve these digital recordings. It’s tough, because they’re the individual person’s memories. But long after we’re dead and our names and lives are forgotten, it would be an important artifact for our future generations to have access to.

    Now I’m thinking about all the old VHS tapes my parents have. If they haven’t already degraded, I’m going to ask for those tapes and see what it costs to digitize them myself.

  • Would you be willing to digitize that recording and upload it to the Internet Archive for preservation? You certainly don’t have to add the link here, but I believe it would be a wonderful thing for the next generations to watch one day.

    I love watching old restored footage so I can vicariously experience that moment in time and reflect on how far humanity has progressed.

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm still worthy
    9 days ago

    Me loading up A Link to the Past and still having a full memory of every palace, which areas are secrets, which walls make the satisfying clink clink clink, and how to get the Golden Master Sword without having to check GameFAQs:

    “Hell yeah. Zelda, go put on your green tunic and let’s go save Link.

  • It’s all good as it could’ve been worse - now it’s a cool memory, but certainly one I do not want to relive :)

    In my younger days I loved rollercoasters with brief moments you go upside down. Can’t do that stuff anymore. When I told people about my vertigo and how I couldn’t do those rides, they always just said “take a motion sickness pill, you’ll just be dizzy. Come on!”

    Heh. They never had vertigo. That’s like people thinking a migraine is the equivalent of “a really bad headache”.

  • My spouse and I were on the Universal Studios Escape from Gringotts 4-D ride. We got stuck, thankfully not upside down. But we were at an angle that had me leaning back, but at angled left (think of someone standing in front of you and pushing you to the 7 PM clock position - you’re falling backward at an angle, but not upside down). In theory, that would be fine for most people, but I recently finished a vertigo episode about two months before that left me still with lingering effects. I struggled really hard to do everything I could to not trigger it again or puke on anyone. Considering there was a massive 3-D screen in front of me as well, and just everything about that moment was so nauseating.

    It took maintenance almost 40 minutes to fix whatever problem it was and get the ride working. Decided from that point on to never go on that ride again.

    Haven’t been to a theme park since.


    Sorry if my language here is not articulate, I’ve not been awake for too long and pretty tired.

  • MAGAs Jan 6ed into the chat.

    Look, Mr. Trump, our Lord and Savior chosen by God, didn’t make any mistake here. He knows his doctor. How many of you know your doctor? You’re too stupid so you don’t know. But Mr. Trump said his doctor’s name, but was actually thinking of a different doctor of his while he has been busy championing for us all. He sees many doctors, not for his horrible shitty lifestyle, but each of his doctors are better than the previous doctor. Each one more cunning, more powerful, sexier, more religious, and did we mention better than the last? “Hyugest doctors of all, ever,” our Lord would say. And how many do the Dems see? Probably one, if even that. Mr. Trump needs those doctors because he’s working to improve his memory, make his brain more big, strengthen his recall so he gets less forgetful of his doctors, and increase the strengthening of his core so that he can empower his raptor-like heel-lift stance and ensure his accordion hands are properly motor-coordinated and stronger than any Democrat - ever. Trump likes doctors, but do you know what he hates? Fake news. And especially - let us be clear - he hates us, too. But we’ll blindly support him because God sent him to save America.