• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’d say block the instance, but lemmy doesn’t allow that I don’t think. Seems like a feature request would work well there. It becomes a question of “how to keep discussions organized” vs “how to keep other federated instances happy”. It’s not exactly great to see a bunch of empty threads, but new users just expect them to be there or they leave. I think the vast majority of the sports Reddit subs had pre, during, and post game threads to organize discussion. The big thing there being they were buried in the deluge of posts on Reddit in general. Here they’re much more apparent. I think the fanaticus instances are specifically for sports discussions on general, so the sub block would be ideal.

    Would de-federating block subscribed users on your instance from seeing the posts as well? I’m still trying to remember what specifically different “federation” actions do and mean across platforms.