• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • To sorta flip this comment around a bit… with any medication/vaccine/treatment, in order to demonstrate efficacy, some trial participants must specifically NOT receive the treatment. In the case of truly useful treatments, there most certainly will be people who did not receive the experimental treatment who might have benefited. We do willingly sacrifice some (who voluntarily elect to be experimented on, of course) for the greater good.

  • Thems the breaks with speech.

    Burning the Koran is most certainly going to get people upset. If someone took another’s Koran and burned it, there’s already a law for that. If someone burned a Koran, pointed at a Muslim person and said “You’re next!”, that’s a direct threat.

    Getting overly upset because someone desecrated a common item you feel is holy… I don’t have a lot of sympathy.

    If you are in a liberal democracy that values free speech, you’re gonna have to suck it up and pick your battles. If you want people to be tolerant of your nonsense book that has backward ways of seeing the world, you will have to tolerate that they may tell you precisely what they think about it. On the best days, people should be able to hear speech that offends them, and everyone goes home safe to argue another day. No personal threats, no violence.