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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I don’t 100% know if this is what mockingmoniker is getting at, but I want to give a word of possible explanation from my own perspective: Christians make a distinction between “sin” and “sinner” - or are at least supposed to. It’s my understanding from being sent to Christian school that people are decieved or led astray or get tempted or whatever, but it’s the actions that are “sinful” or “evil” or “demonic,” not the persons. This is the meaning of “hate the sin but love the sinner” - which is not actually in the bible btw. There are some verses that address this, for example Romans 5:8 or Ezekiel 33:11 in which God says he isn’t happy about the death of wicked people but would rather they turn from their ways and live. Look up that one- it literally says “turn back from your evil ways, for why do you die, Oh house of Israel?” Still relevant. But I’m going off topic.

    Of course, Christians are people too, and are generally pretty poor at following their own code of conduct. Also there are plenty of wolves in sheep’s clothing that use theological language for their own worldly goals, and it can be difficult to know which is which. Generally people in worldly positions of power that use theological language are the latter.

  • Bongo_Stryker@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zonecoffee rule
    5 months ago

    I confess I do believe in the right of nations to pursue socialism by different paths, dictated by the conditions, culture and social institutions of each nation, but I would not say I am 100% anti-revisionist. Mostly tho. I mean, don’t try to deny class struggle with me, because I am not having it.

  • Unless you have something in mind that you want, that you know you can get a good deal on, I think you would be better off saving your money than buying something you don’t want/need just for the sake of a black Friday deal.

    This whole black Friday thing gets hyped so much that you start to think “I better get in on these bargain prices,” but the truth is that some retailers actually raise their prices on some things in October and then lower them back to regular 40% markup and call it a “SIZZILIN SALE PRICE!!!”

    So in conclusion, if there’s something you want, check different sources and compare prices. Otherwise, don’t get scammed into thinking you’re missing out, you are not. Source: I am 55 years old, have worked in retail.

  • Listen, I took autoship in highschool, my dad talked me into doing an engine swap on his 1969 Volvo and got me to do all kinds of maintenance on his 1955 Chevy pickup truck, all before I turned 18. Out of highschool I got a job in a shop that specialized in Mazda rotary engines. I have worked on so many cars for money and as a favor for friends and I can tell you I have been similarly defeated so many times by similar simple things. It happens to everybody sooner or later, even guys with giant toolboxes and years of experience. Sometimes you just need help, and that’s ok.

    I’m proud of you, cuz I know how these kinds of jobs can be, and how exhausting it is just getting hard to reach bolts undone. You’re not a failure, you are great. Bongo Stryker says so.