• greencactus@lemmy.world
    15 days ago

    Ubuntu actually. I hated Ubuntu for a long time, until there was a game which only ran on Ubuntu. And now, after installing it, I’m actually pretty impressed and like it a lot. Yaru is a very good-looking theme, and the customizations Ubuntu made to stock GNOME are actually pretty logical (like adding windows buttons). It has among the best documentation and package support in the whole Linux universe. I’m a guy who likes to tinker, but for whom it is more important that the PC runs well, and I haven’t encountered a single problem with Ubuntu yet - no kernel panic, no weird Bluetooth stuff, no apps which don’t run for some reason,…

    Everything just works. And that makes me happy. So Ubuntu it is.

    • massacre@lemmy.world
      17 days ago

      F-that! Take pride… Mint is ridiculously good. Well managed, stable, “just works” and yet has all the capabilities you want, including auto-running near the edge for current kernels (backed down to stable) without doing jack. You can run at the bleeding edge if you want to manage it yourself.

      And for any haters - here’s my take: I’ve been working with Unix for 30+ years, I installed Slackware off of floppies when 16MB of RAM was god-like. I have built, compiled and managed nearly every distro at some point certainly the upstream giants. I’ve been there for the birth of all of them. I’ve also professionally worked on AIX, SunOS/Solaris, HPUX. Yes there’s a lot of fun in maintaining and running things to your satisfaction, but when you hit a certain inflection point of balancing your real life and maintaining distros across multiple machines and decide “This is the way” - Mint just fits the bill on so many levels.

      Mint is the bomb and I’m done pretending. Fight me (not you, OP, you’re cool)

    • Owljfien@lemm.ee
      16 days ago

      All my homies love mint, just because it’s friendly doesn’t mean it’s bad!