Since people are curious Ill explain why:

I need to build our project from the remote repo using a PowerShell script (.ps1). I’m using Bash in the VSCode terminal, I have to run the .ps1 script in a new Command Prompt because the compilation takes around 5 minutes and I need my terminal for other things. To do this, the only way is to run a batch file that executes the .ps1 script.

Its an automation so I dont need to touch powershell whatsover and remain in bash terminal. Instead of opening several windows, I automated all so it only takes 1 alias to compile my shit.

The compilation also requires several inputs and “Key Presses”, so I automated all of that in the Batch file.

    25 days ago

    That doesn’t make any sense. Why not just use PowerShell directly then? Why use Bash or even command line and a batch file? It sounds to me like you’re over-complicating things for nothing and putting the blame on Microsoft for some reason.

    I’m a heavy Bash user myself and often find myself struggling a bit with PowerShell trying to look for equivalent commands. (commandlets?) But, the more I use it, the more I understand how it works and the more I improve my skills at using it.

    I know a lot of people like to shit on Microsoft, but seriously give their PowerShell a chance. It has its strengths. It’s especially nice with Oh My Posh running in Windows Terminal.

      23 days ago

      Since you added a question mark, commands is the correct general term. However there are two types that can be a command. Functions: which are written in pure powershell and cmdlets: which are commands provided by dotnet classes. (Also exes and a bunch of other stuff common to other shells can be a command, but that’s not important.)

      The reason they have different names is early on functions didn’t support some of the features available to cmdlets, such as pipeline input. There was later a way to add this support to functions.

      In practice call them any of the 3 and people will know that you mean.