The CRA now employs 59,000 people. The US’ tax agency employs 79,000 despite serving a population ten times the size

    4 months ago

    This article is such an apples to oranges comparison.

    In Canada (except for Quebec), the CRA collects provincial tax returns and tax money owing/reimbursing from all Canadians, then gives the collected amounts to the provinces so that the forms are all of standard format and there’s no need for 13 separate fully fledged tax collection programs.

    Now just take one look at the US tax administration:

    Taxes in the United States are administered by hundreds of tax authorities.

    mfw when I found this out

    Each state has its own way of doing things so you get 50 tax departments, woohoo. Sure both the US and Canada have municipal tax departments for property and specific location taxes, but that’s usually much narrower in scope and often processed in the same department that manages public infrastructure fees.