• Dylpickles@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I know this is a meme but also let’s bring in the spirit of reddit and get some “well actually” up in here.

    1. We all know the tank flipping is just a game mechanic I’d say chief is more reasonably in the 2-5 ton range

    2. That pistol cartridge is basically a .500 magnum out of a pretty small semi automatic hand cannon. Idk if you’ve ever shot a .500 magnum but it SUUUUUUUCKS. Gripping that thing as hard as you can without shaking it still kicks like a bull and hurts your wrists. Not to mention the magnum in game is a semi auto pistol and has a slide that reciprocates and is probably heavy as fuck.

    3. idk when the last time you saw the magnum unloaded in Halo combat evolved but that thing is a laser beam. The follow up shots are pin point accurate and it looks like chief is just letting the recoil push back his hands for exactly how long it takes the slide to reciprocate.

    4. Even with his insane strength you gotta imagine that, that cartridge has at LEAST 4000 J of energy. My man is feeling that energy push back on him one after another after another in pretty insane succession. Super strength or not it’s gotta be easier on him to not fight it every step of the way when he’s obviously capable of getting that follow up shot perfectly with almost no time wasted.

      • Dylpickles@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Well yeah there’s no chance a tank is only 2 tons you’re right. I’m just saying his ability to flip the tank is inconsistent with lore and is, to my understanding, just a game mechanic for the sake of fixing flipped tanks.

        Edit: for the record ODSTs can also flip huge incredibly heavy military vehicles in game which just further proves it’s just a game mechanic. On the other hand the only game lore that confirms Spartans flipping things as a feat of strength is a mention in the Spartan Field Guide claiming Spartans can flip warthogs which are rough in the 3 ton range

      • Dylpickles@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I literally never said the tank wasn’t 66 tons I just said being able to flip it in game is done as a game mechanic and not meant to be taken as seriously for strength scaling

        You can literally flip several ton warthogs in ODST when you’re just a regular fit human

        Chief, base on what we can read or be told from the halo lore, is likely more in the 2-5 ton range