Hi all. I bought a new (for me) Subaru yesterday and I’m already sick of plugging my phone in (yet my last car couldn’t even connect a phone).

Has anyone had any experience with wireless-to-USB AA adapters? They all seem to be cheap AliExpress dealies so not sure how they go. I have suspicions that these would interfere with the “native” experience of the car.

Not fussed about connect time, just want to to be “transparent” and not have drop outs.

Oh and I’m running a Pixel 7, surely that has all the bells and whistles to do all this.


  • wile_e8@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Add on question: Are there any wireless Android Auto adapters that are good for switching between multiple phones? I looked into AAWireless for a car that both my wife and I drive, and switching phones depending on who is driving seems… complicated. Is it? Is there another adapter that makes switching easy?