agreed, and also this photo is unrealistically flattering to him. he normally doesn’t look half as good as he does here.
agreed, and also this photo is unrealistically flattering to him. he normally doesn’t look half as good as he does here.
trying to depress turnout while claiming voter suppression is not a big deal. chef’s kiss.
there’s nothing better than exposure to right wing ideas to push someone with even an inkling of sense to the left.
it is. caught on after Biden called him that. as jabba the cunt is someone who loves seeing and hearing his own name everywhere, some people use ways other than his name to refer to him. TFG is one of them.
of course there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be interpreted as this fucking guy/goon/git etc
i saw that on drew gooden’s video and it seems undeniable preferred spelling here main entry lists disc as a variant spelling while the entry for disc: notes it as a variant spelling of disk links to disk
Cambridge online dictionary seems to agree with you more but it’s always been the shittiest of them
til disk is actually preferred in American English. from your link:
Usage notes
In most varieties of English, disk is the preferred spelling for magnetic media (hence floppy disk, hard disk, disk drive), whereas disc is preferred for optical media (hence compact disc, digital versatile disc, optical disc). For all other uses, disk is preferred in American English and acceptable in Canadian English, and disc otherwise.
I am gonna claw (out your eyes and drown you to death) in my ass
this would be applicable to the entire history of the human race as well.
irrelevant, as we’re talking about US history, not world history. you’re the one saying we’re in worse times than before and I’m asking when that was.
i disagree that fascism wasn’t a serious problem before, i just think they’re more comfortable with visibility today thanks to the orangutan leatherface. if you mean this to be the specific mechanism, okay, but i don’t know if it’s really worse than the insidious cryptofascism doing the same shit but with masks and dog whistles instead.
so that’s what they meant by “timeless sleep has been upset”
eh people are going to suffer through whatever the fuck they poop out the manufacturing and then buy a new one next year anyway so why bother
well one advantage she has is that she’s not legally dead.
also she seems to actually study things to understand them, not to parrot them by heart. being a prosecutor she probably knows how to study things and make cases.
they’re not selections in the cherry picking sense; the country’s history is a constant stream of oppression and political violence.
only one of them is a specific event, but i pointed it out it was particularly fucked up. but the rest aren’t specific at all; they’re entire periods of time where the “fucked up” was the norm, and the law.
i don’t exactly understand what you think we’re talking about. you say it’s a “specific problem” but didn’t specify it really. so i don’t know what’s supposedly impossible merely 20 years ago.
but merely 20 years ago gays couldn’t marry. 20 some years before that the AIDS epidemic was ignored because the government thought it was a gay problem and didn’t care.
there was always oppression and there still is. the orange cunt didn’t invent anything. he just started saying the quiet part out loud.
but he said he’s not a puppet!
staffers are used to politicians that don’t read shit and just move about sponsoring laws they don’t know or care about.
this is actually a great endorsement for Harris. she reads, highlights, takes notes, asks questions and demands reasons? sign me the fuck up.
that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
it’s rich cunts asking for handouts again. hey, we call this feasibility, you should have thought about it before, not now. your business is not feasible. fuck off forever. thanks.
it’s a typo, it was supposed to say Nazi but when it was autocorrected they kept Nice in the name because the irony makes it funny
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